Crave. Laurie Jean Cannady

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Crave - Laurie Jean Cannady

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me to the bed. I wasn’t even afraid, even though I didn’t have Champ to count down from ten for me.

      “Lay down,” he said as I plopped my torso onto the bed and turned my head toward the open window.

      “Open your legs.”

      I moved my right leg sharply to the edge of the bed as if I were opening a pair of scissors.

      “Move your hands off your chest.”

      The house went silent and I could only hear the hum of the refrigerator cycling on and off in the kitchen. Pee Wee then laid his body on top of mine. The heat of his skin made me feel sticky. If I turned my left foot inward, I could feel the joint clinking in his right knee. He was still for a moment and then began deeply inhaling and exhaling as his stomach muscles pressed into my chest. He moved his hand down and began rubbing on something; I was almost certain it was his penis or “dookey” as Champ and I often called it. I smelled the lotion Momma always rubbed on us after we took a bath and wondered why he was rubbing it there. Momma had always told me and Champ never to put anything on our private areas because it could make my “biscuit” and Champ’s “dookey” sick. I began to wonder why she’d never told Pee Wee that.

      Pee Wee then touched me and my body went into a spasm. No matter how many times I’d “done the nasty” with Ryan and Tyler, no one had ever touched that part of me. Pee Wee’s fingers felt like ice and I became happy my shorts and underwear were around my ankles because my feet were cold. Then, I felt something hot, even harder than his fingers pressing against me, my private spot, my space. His stomach muscles contracted. With a grunt from his chest he forced pressure into me. My legs attempted to snap shut, but met the resistance of his outer thighs.

      His rhythm made my body flinch. With each down beat, each pull, I knew the stinging, burning, pressure that would follow. Unlike Ryan, Pee Wee seemed to have a purpose for his pulsing, his pushing and each thrust cut a piece of me out of me. I wanted to scream, to release the pressure and the heat from between my legs into a howl, but I couldn’t; my family’s life depended on me doing exactly what he told me to do. So, I bit hard the inside of my lip and tasted blood running through me.

      My fingers stiffly clenched my sides, grabbing onto skin with each thrust and releasing with each retraction. Then, I lifted my head from the bed, wanting to see what was causing so much pain—hoping I could find a remedy if I could see what the problem was. Then I saw him, disappearing into me. I’d only seen a penis when Momma made Champ, Dathan, and me take baths together in order to conserve water, but I’d never seen anything as dark and ugly as what was going in and out of me. I worried it would turn the bottom half of me black and everybody would know how bad of a girl I was.

      I was too afraid to cry tears, so I cried in my mind. I went back to a time when my cousin Tedren had taken me to a mall and decided to go up the escalators instead of the stairs. Somehow, I separated from her, but I saw myself as I stood, afraid of the moving stairs while she waited for me at the top. I, at the bottom, was too afraid to take that first step. I remember her looking down at me, clapping her hands, telling me it was safe. But all I could see were those silver, moving stairs swallowing me whole. So, I stood there and cried out with every ounce of fire I had until she came back down, picked me up, and took me safely up the stairs. Those tears stained my cheeks long after we left the mall, so I had no doubt there were enough to spare for the tears I could not cry while Pee Wee was on top of me.

      Pee Wee’s rhythm began to quicken and his breathing turned from intermittent grunts to long huffs every few seconds. Soon after, I went numb, unable to feel my hands, my feet, and anything in between. Suddenly, he lay completely limp on me and the feeling slowly returned to my body. I felt his sweat, his heat, latent against the inside of my thigh. He rolled off of me like a leech swollen with blood and lay flat on his back. Pee Wee then turned his eyes to me and looked right into mine. “Don’t forget what I told you,” he said, “If you don’t want your Momma dead, then you better not tell anybody.”

      I was so grateful to be out of Momma’s room, so afraid I would have to go back, that I forced urine out of me as quickly as my bladder would allow and wiped from front to back as Momma had always instructed me to. I felt a void, an absence of flesh in the middle of me, even though I saw red tears trickling onto the surface of the water. I wiped again, front to back, and then again, front to back, until the red trickles ceased.

      By the time I left the bathroom, Pee Wee was on the loveseat, watching television. His legs were in their usual position, draped along the arm of the chair and he had one hand resting on his belly, while the other one was wedged behind his neck.

      “Get me a cup of Kool-Aid, Laurie. Then you can go back outside. You can have a cup for yourself too.” I poured Pee Wee’s Kool-Aid in a glass that had a crack, which ran from the bottom of the cup to the brim. I stared at it curiously, wondering how it still had strength to hold itself together while so broken. Then I poured a cup for myself. I sat there and sipped the Kool-Aid, afraid if I gulped, I would choke. It was cold going down my throat, but it tasted saltier than it did sweet. I realized the sweet was mixing with the sweat on my upper lip, which made me think of Pee Wee’s sweat. After that, I couldn’t drink anymore. I tiptoed past Pee Wee, placed the cup on the coffee table, and found the once locked door, unlocked and slightly opened. I carefully went down the stairs and sat where the porch and the steps met. Champ and Dathan had finished their last match with Ryan and Tyler and were covered in dirt. They ran over to me on the porch, panting out words that were supposed to describe how they’d kicked Ryan’s and Tyler’s butts. Dathan spotted the red line atop my lip and asked, “Laurie, you got some Kool-Aid? I want some? How come you able to get some when it’s not lunch or dinnertime?”

      “Yeah,” Champ echoed, “How come you were able to get some?”

      “Champ, you don’t want to do that,” I said, afraid Pee Wee would think I had told and Champ possibly wanted the same thing I had gotten.

      “Why not,” Champ asked, “If you got some, I can have some.”

      “Yeah,” Dathan said.

      “You don’t want it, Champ. It’s not even good. It tastes like it has salt in it, like he mixed it with salt instead of sugar. I put most of mine back. So, don’t ask him for any ’cause he’s gonna get mad if he knows you know.” Champ looked at me with skepticism, but eventually turned away.

      “Man, I don’t want no Kool-Aid anyway. Dathan, let’s go over to Ryan and Tyler’s and see if they mixed anymore of their daddy’s beer with Kool-Aid. Maybe they’ll give us some this time.” Both Dathan and Champ hopped off of the porch and made their way to the Wozniaks’ house. I, again, was alone.

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