Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong. Guo Xiaoting

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Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong - Guo Xiaoting

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style="font-size:15px;">      Wang Xing and his wife were both bruised and sore, but Wang Xing said, “Wife, you have suffered a terrible wrong for my sake.”

      Wu Shi answered, “Even though we two should be killed, our ghosts will return here to accuse this young princeling to his face.”

      Just as they said this, they saw that someone was approaching outside. It was Zhao Bin.

      Wang Xing, startled to see him arriving as if in answer to their need, exclaimed, “Ai yah! Elder Brother Zhao has come to save us!”

      As soon as Zhao Bin saw that they were injured, he started to release Wang Xing and get him down, so that they could both release Wu Shi. However, he found that the knots that held Wang Xing were very tightly tied. Zhao Bin was becoming quite anxious when he was suddenly seized from behind. He struggled to escape the grip, but he could not move. It was hard to believe that anyone could be so strong. The one who held him was as solid as Mount Taishan—the man had a grip like steel.

      CHAPTER 13

      Wang Xing and his family leave Linan forever; Qin Da is stricken by a strange illness that Ji Gong is asked to cure

      Though rich or poor may fall in their estate

      And meet with unimaginable woe,

      The virtuous greet each trial with fortitude and pride,

      Defying even death to bring their spirits low.

      Most evil springs from weakness in the soul.

      Errors lead on to ever-deeper sin.

      Before the remedy the illness comes

      To open the heart to virtue once again.

      WHO would have thought that, when Zhao Bin was able to turn his head, he would see that the man who held him was senior monk Ji Gong?

      Zhao Bin said, “Teacher, let me go. I was afraid that the prime minister had harmed you. I am surprised to see my teacher here!”

      Ji Gong released him and said, “As soon as you have set those two free, come into the other room. I have something I need to say to you.”

      Zhao Bin untied Wang Xing and his wife. Ji Gong took out some medicine which, when applied to the wounds that the two had received, cured them rapidly. The monk then went into the next room and began to eat and drink with great relish.

      Zhao Bin said, “So this table full of food was prepared for my teacher in the first place.”

      “Zhao Bin, go to the north section of the room on the west side,” said Ji Gong. “There, you will see four chests. In the third chest there is a small case filled with gold weighing one hundred ounces, and six envelopes containing white silver weighing three hundred ounces. Bring them to me.”

      Zhao Bin went there at once. Naturally, it was just as Ji Gong had said, and Zhao Bin returned with the gold and silver.

      Ji Gong then asked Wang Xing, “Where did your family originally live?”

      Wang Xing replied, “I came here from Yuhang prefecture.”

      Ji Gong said, “Wang Xing, take this gold and silver with you. Tomorrow you must hire a boat and go back to Yuhang prefecture with your wife and mother. Give all the old and broken things in your home to Zhao Bin. When you reach your former home, use the gold and silver that you have to buy land and go into business. There will be enough to support you and your family.”

      When Wang Xing heard this, he immediately knelt before Ji Gong, saying, “I kowtow to the lohan Buddha.”

      Ji Gong said, “Zhao Bin, you shall go with them and see that they get back safely.”

      Zhao Bin asked, “Teacher, will you yourself not need someone? I had at first been thinking that I would kill the prime minister and avenge you, sir.”

      Ji Gong replied, “Do not ask how, but I have my own ways. After three days you will receive news of me.”

      Zhao Bin bowed his head in assent. Just as the three were about to leave, they heard some people talking a little distance away. Someone said, “Come with me, young fellows, and see whether Wang Xing’s wife will yield to me or not.” Several voices replied, “Yes.”

      By lantern light, the second young master, Qin Da, with several of his thugs could be seen coming back from the prime minister’s courtyards. When Qin Da had heard that hobgoblins were creating a disturbance in the western buildings, he went to pay his respects to the prime minister. Prime Minister Qin had a deep love for his son and, fearing that he would be frightened, would not permit him to enter. Instead, the prime minister told Qin Da to go back to his own flower-garden courtyard and take care of himself. Therefore, Qin Da had come back, bringing his people with him. Just as he reached the flower-garden, he remembered Wang Xing’s wife. “Young fellows,” Qin Da said, “go and see whether Wang Xing’s wife is ready to submit to me or not. If not, as I live, I will have her beaten to death!”

      When Zhao Bin heard this, it was a horrible shock to him. He whispered, “Teacher, this is terrible! We will have to hide somewhere inside!”

      Ji Gong said, “Do not worry.” Pointing outward with his hand, he recited the six true words, “Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum.”

      Qin Da was suddenly struck to the ground by a cold chill. His household people all rushed to help him. Taking advantage of the confusion, Zhao Bin led Wang Xing and his wife out of the flower garden by a corner gate. Once they were through that, he quickly saw them home.

      Early the next morning, following Ji Gong’s suggestion, Wang Xing gave his family’s furniture and household things to Zhao Bin. Then, together with his wife and mother, he went away secretly by boat, far beyond the reach of Qin Da and his evil hirelings.

      Now, after Ji Gong had seen Zhao Bin and his family leave the prime minister’s estate, the monk finished his dinner and went back to the empty room in the eastern part of the estate. Meanwhile, Qin Da was still in the flower garden, where he had fallen flat. He was nearly out of his head with terror as his people helped him to his room.

      “Ai yah! How hot it is!” Qin Da exclaimed. Qin Yu removed his hat.

      Qin Da still said, “Hot!” His people than took off his robe.

      He again said, “Hot!” They quickly took off his shirt.

      He repeated, “Hot!” Qin Yu pulled off Qin Da’s boots and stockings.

      Once more Qin Da said, “Hot!” Qin Yu removed Qin Da’s underclothes.

      When Qin Da said “Hot!” again, Qin Yu started fanning him.

      Even though the servants were fanning him, Qin Da was still hot. Qin Yu called upon the others to hurry and bring in two large blocks of ice. At once they brought in large perforated ice chests to cool the air. Then Qin Da said he was cold, and they took them out.

      Qin Da now said, “Cold!” They pulled his pants on.

      Once again he said, “Cold!” They put his stockings and boots on.


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