Remedy Box. Amy J. Conway

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Remedy Box - Amy J. Conway

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medicine differs from Western medicine by focusing on the body’s meridians, or connecting systems, and by viewing the body as a whole. The science of herbal medicine, which has been practiced in China for centuries, is based on sustaining or creating harmony within the patient by retaining the natural flow of “chi” or “qi”(pronounced chee)—vital energy—throughout each meridian.

      Each herbal remedy is designed to return harmony to the diseased organ or unbalanced meridian. Every herb contains unique “hot” or “cold” as well as yin/yang properties designated to address a particular organ or meridian. The herbal medicine works through the bloodstream as well as the meridian. All of nature is utilized in the herbal formulas. Daniel P. Reid, in his book, Chinese Herbal Medicine, states that the discipline embraces “all the domains of nature—earth and sea, season and weather, plant and animals—and all the elements that constitute the universe.”

      Chinese herbal medicine is a complex and fascinating subject too large to be explored here in depth. I have included basic herbal remedies according to symptom in the Remedy Box. As always, I encourage professional assistance.


      Now What Do I Do

       With The Remedy Box?

      Let us say I wake up in the middle of the night feeling nauseated. The first thing I do is pick up the Remedy Box, which I remember I’ve left on the kitchen counter. I locate the heading STOMACH PROBLEMS and thumb through the cards until I find the one labeled “Nausea.” When I turn it over, I will find three categories listed—folk, homeopathic, and Chinese herbal—and can choose from peppermint tea, Nux Vomica or Ipecacuanha, or Pill Curing. I’ll try one remedy. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try another. For me, it’s always a case of what I have on hand.


      Or when my son comes in screaming because he has fallen off his skateboard, and I see” blood oozing out of a gash on his leg, after a momentary panic, I’ll remember the Remedy Box. I’ll check behind the tab FIRST AID and immediately have three courses of treatment. My anxiety will fade, and I’ll be in control of the situation.



      The dosages and means of administering the folk medicines referred to in the Remedy Box are explained on the individual Remedy Cards. Please consult with a qualified herbalist and your pediatrician regarding herbal remedies for young children.


      There are a few simple rules to follow when administering homeopathics:


      1. Do not touch tablets with your hands. Tap or shake out the correct number of tablets from the bottle into the bottle cap. Open the mouth wide, lift up the tongue, and drop tablets under the tongue. Close the mouth and let the tablets dissolve. If they are hard tablets, after a few minutes chew and swallow. The homeopathic, medicine is absorbed most easily through the mucous membranes, and the mouth is the most obvious and convenient.

      2. Do not wash down with water.

      3. Do not eat or drink at least 15 minutes before or after taking the remedy. However, if it is an emergency, administer remedy as soon as possible.

      4. Make sure the mouth is free of toothpaste, caffeine, camphor, or other strong-smelling substances.

      5. Do not store near strong-smelling substances such as eucalyptus, camphor, mint, or menthol.

      6. Avoid high temperature (over 100 degrees F) and direct sunlight.

      Aside from all these “don’ts,” homeopathics are easy to use and completely safe.


      As mentioned earlier, the Law of Similars is crucial to homeopathy. Homeopath Carol Boyce points out that the Law of the Minimum Dose is equally important. This law states, “We must always use as little of the medicine as possible to stimulate the body’s healing mechanism. We need to use the lowest potency that is appropriate to the situation and as few doses of it as we can. Ideally, when we do give a medicine, we should give ONE DOSE and wait to see what help it gives. When things begin to improve we should LEAVE THE CASE ALONE.” Only give another dose if there is no improvement, if conditions worsen, or if once relieved, they come back. Less is more in this situation. Repeating too often may prevent the medicine from working properly. Carol Boyce states that one tablet is sufficient for one dose of the homeopathic remedy for both adult and child. Instructions on the bottle may advise two tablets for children and four tablets for adults, but this is not necessary.

      Dosages for homeopathic tinctures are 1-2 drops under the tongue if used neat, and 10-15 drops in an half inch of water in a cup if used diluted. Drink or use topically as often as required. One teaspoonful taken orally equals one dose.



      Homeopathics, in tablet form, come in strengths of 6x, 12x, 30x, 30c, and so on. As a general rule, the stronger the symptoms, the higher the potency. For example, if I had a slight headache, I would first try a few doses of 6x potency. If I felt no results and was confident about the remedy choice, I would try one dose of 12x, and so on.


      For acute illness, repeat every 2 to 4 hours depending on the severity of the symptoms. The more severe the symptoms, the more frequent the repetition. Repeat up to 4 to 5 doses. If there isn’t marked improvement after 3 doses, you need to take a fresh look at the case and go back and look at the Remedy Cards.For accident and injury, give the remedy immediately. If there is a lot of pain, repeat frequently. When the pain returns, give another dose. In an emergency, that might be every few minutes. In less severe cases, every hour or three times a day may be more appropriate.


      The Chinese herbal dosages are indicated on the packaging. Dosage differs for children. Follow the directions on the bottle or package. If you are unsure, consult an herbal practitioner.

      Most herbal remedies work best on an empty stomach. If stomach discomfort arises, take with food. I like to put the liquid remedies in hot water to bum the alcohol off. My children will usually take the herbs if I make them into a tea with honey. Remember, DO NOT give honey to a child under one year of age because there are spores and bacteria within honey that an infant’s immune system cannot process, resulting in illness.

      When illness subsides, discontinue the herbal remedy and let your body restore itself to its naturally healthy state. Our bodies know how to correct themselves if we give them the right tools.


      Additional blank cards have been included in the Remedy Box so that when a new remedy is prescribed by your health practitioner, it can be added. Also, if you discover a remedy on your own, you can easily combine it with the Remedy Cards. Highlight those remedies that work best for you. If a particular remedy worked well for one member of your family, indicate that on the NOTES section of the Remedy Cards. Remember, the Remedy Box is your home health tool.


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