Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

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Baba Malay Dictionary - William Gwee Thian Hock

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one day is drawn again the next day

      ban poey [蠻皮] thick-skinned and tough

      ban si be ho [萬世無好] incorrigible

      banchu (bancuh) to shuffle

      ■ banchu daon to shuffle playing cards

      bandela (bandela)

      ■ bandela / bandera / Belanda bosted fat and rotund

      bandera SEE bandela

      banding (banding) to ponder

      banduan (benduan) rough and tough like a labourer

      bangka (bangka) old and elderly

      bangkay (bangkai) carcass

      bangket (bangket) SEE kueh


      bangket (bangkit) referring to past deeds; to revive (old squabbles)

      bangkong (bangkong) a foursome Nyonya card game (the cherki)

      bangku (bangku) stool

      ■ bangku Boyan Boyanese-made wooden stool

      ■ bangku panjang long bench

      banglay (bonglai) a ginger (Zingiber cassumunaar)

      bango (bangau) white egret

      bangsa (bangsa) race; descent

      bangsal (bangsal) an open wooden shed without walls

      bangsat (bangsat) unfair; cheating

      bangsawan (bangsawan) Malay opera

      bangun / mangun (bangun) to rise up; to wake up

      ■ bangunkan to waken (someone); to help set up

      bank (bank) bank; water-closet

      bantair / bantal (bantal) pillow

      ■ bantair budak a post-delivery Chinese herbal preparation taken by the Nyonyas

      ■ bantair Cheena pillow and bolster with respective rectangular eight-sided or round-shaped silver or gold-plated pieces sewn at the opposite ends

      ■ bantair kampek rectangular-shaped pillow

      ■ bantair kepek two small bolsters (usually placed on each side of the baby)

      ■ bantair pelok Dutch-wife; bolster

      ■ bantair sandaran a triangular-shaped pillow

      bantal SEE bantair

      bantay (bantai) to inflict a hammering

      banting (banting) to dash against

      ■ banting diri to throw oneself about in a tantrum

      ■ banting kepala to resort to mental effort

      ■ banting tulang to work hard; to strive

      bantot (bantut) to abort; to postpone

      ■ ter bantot aborted

      bantu (bantu) to assist; aid; succour

      ■ bantu-membantu assisting one another; cooperative effort

      banyak SEE manyak

      baok (bauk)

      ■ berbaok having hair along the line of the jawbone; having side-burns

      bapak (bapa) father

      ■ bapak angkat adopted father

      ■ bapak joget one who manages joget dancers

      ■ bapak tiri stepfather

      bapok an effeminate male

      bara (bara) live coal

      ■ bara api live embers

      barang (barang) thing; item

      ■ barang baik slang for male's private part

      ■ barang-barang stuff; wares

      ■ barang jahat evil entity

      ■ barang mainan toys; playthings

      ■ barang makan foodstuff

      ■ barang pakay items for use on the body

      ■ sebarang anything

      ■ sebarang hantam reckless actions

      baring (baring) lying down; supine

      baris (baris) parade; march

      ■ berbaris parading; marching (in rows)

      barot (barut) long wrap worn by a mother after childbirth

      baru / bahru (baru) new; just now

      ■ baru-baru at the early stage

      ■ baru tadik just a moment ago

      ■ baru tau just discovered the truth

      barua (barua) pimp; procurer

      basa SEE bahasa

      basah (basah) wet

      ■ basah kuyup soaking wet

      basi (basi) stale

      bat-bat [密密] tightly

      batang (batang) shaft; handle; stem; rod of penis (slang)

      ■ batang changkol wooden shaft of the changkol

      ■ batang idong ridge of nose

      ■ batang idong dia the person

      ■ batang kayu tree stem

      ■ batang kelor stem of the Moringa plant

      ■ batang leher column of neck; throat

      ■ sebatang kara all alone in the world; to have no kith or kin

      batek (batik) wax-resist dyed cloth from Java, Bali and Sumatra

      ■ batek Lasom batek-sarong from Lasem in Java which on washing is said to bring out its peculiar perfume

      batok (batuk) cough

      ■ batok galak incessant cough


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