The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 4/4). Johannes Biermanski

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The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 4/4) - Johannes Biermanski

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Brutalität unter dem Schleier der ‘wahren’ Religion” (aus: „Prophet” aus der Wüste - Mohammed, von Chr. + Th. Schirrmacher). Johannes aber sieht unter dem Bilde von Heuschrecken die gewaltigen Reiterscharen der Araber (9,3). Sie sollten aber nicht den Pflanzenwuchs schädigen, sondern nur die Menschen, die nicht das Siegel Gottes hatten, nämlich die Götzenanbeter und Bilderverehrer (9,4). Sie sollten auch nicht die Menschen töten, sondern quälen und zwar fünf Monate lang. Diese fünf Monate sind als prophetische Zeit von 150 Jahren zu verstehen (9,5), nämlich vom Jahre 622 n. Chr., dem Jahre der Flucht Mohammeds von Mekka nach Medina, bis 772, dem Jahre der Gründung des Kalifats von Bagdad. Die fünf Monate prophetischer Zeit finden wir noch einmal angegeben (9,10). Zahlreiche Ausleger sehen den Beginn dieser 150 Jahre am Tage der Schlacht bei Baephum, nahe Nikomedia, am 27. Juli 1299. Dies war der erste Angriff der Türken auf das oströmische Kaiserreich. Am Ende dieser fünf prophetischen Monate, 1448, hatte ein neuer Kaiser von Byzanz, Konstantin Paläologus, den türkischen Sultan Murad II. um Erlaubnis der Thronbesteigung ersucht. Die Krone hat er erst am 6. Januar 1449 empfangen, nachdem die gewünschte Erlaubnis vom Sultan gegeben worden war. Das oströmische Kaiserreich hatte seine Unabhängigkeit verloren und war abhängig von den Mohammedanern. Die fünf Monte prophetischer Zeit endeten am 27. Juli 1449, dem Beginn der sechsten Posaune.

      Explanation of Ernst Simon:

      The fifth trumpet finds its fulfilment in Mohammedanism, symbolically represented by the “sky fallen star” (9:1). G-d had punished the apostate Christendom of the West in the Western Roman Empire by the Germans and the Huns, but also the Eastern Christianity had become subject to judgement, and in G-d’s hands the Mohammedans were breeding rods for the apostate Christians of the Eastern Roman Empire. Mohammedanism is a pernicious heresy, in the biblical point of view it is not a religion at all, because it does not teach salvation from sins and does not know any saviour. Mohammed’s/Muhammad's teaching knows Jesus [Yahshua], but does not believe in him as in the Son of G-d... recognizing him as one of the major prophets, the sinless Son of G-d Jesus [Yahshua] is subordinated to the sinner Mohammed/Muhammad. Without the teaching of salvation Mohammedanism is not a religion, but only a social system, a brotherhood.

      [Editor: For all faithful Muslims, including many of my friends and many very good and extremely hospitable and loving people in Turkey whom I know, this is the statement from a biblical point of view. For the Koran says that Yahshua did not die, he pretended being dead. Those who know the system and the functioning of the soldiers of Rome and the Roman imperial army know very well that a man condemned to death will hardly come out alive of the hands of the executioner. Jesus on the cross both inside and outside the churches is NOT the Jesus [Yahshua] of the Holy Scripture. The Romans have literally torn the Son of G-d into pieces in their camp in Jerusalem. They used welts/whips, furnished with stones and similar material. These stones were however processed in a special way: they were fitted with BARBED HOOKS, which severely damaged the skin or even the entire parts of body - a brutal tool in the hands of Satan’s servants. On whipping it was counted 40 minus ONE so that the extradited remained alive for a while, at 40 a person dies within a short time. One cannot help mentioning the fact that ROME killed the Messiah/the Anointed of YAHWEH because he was delivered by high Judean religious leaders of Jerusalem. That’s all GOOD BUT: YAHWEH, the Almighty and living Elohim (G-d), raised his anointed from the dead on the third day, who has been standing as the High Priest before YAHWEH’s face in the heavenly sanctuary for us as an advocate since 1844! - So should WE believe in the SON OF G-D, because G-d, our heavenly father spoke of him: YAHWEH spoke to me: “You are my Son, I have begotten you today.” (Psalm 2:7; see also Psalm 89, Proverbs 8:24-25). Which judgement are we subjected to if we disobey YAHWEH’s Word and reject it by saying that he had sent not his Son, but only a prophet? Then we make the Almighty a liar, who testified that he had begotten his son having given him to us. A shadow image of this is the process of sacrifice of Abraham’s son named Isaac by Abraham himself where in the last minute of the sacrifice YAHWEH’s angel held Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac (Genesis 22). What judgement will be fallen upon us, if we make the Son of Elohim (G-d) to G-d? THEN we have NOT recognized YAHWEH Sabaoth (Elohim) our loving Father in heaven! For how can a G-d beget another G-d? How can a G-d be smaller than another G-d? What a heresy, which serves to carry out the mutilation of YAHWEH’s personality, his relationship with his Son and his plan of salvation. Woe to the person who adds to or takes anything out of the word of YAHWEH!]

      Although Mohammed//Muhammad had revelations, they were not of divine origin; the prophecy describes them as “smoke from the shaft” of the abyss (9:2). - Quote: Mohammedanism is aptly characterized in short as “brutality hidden beneath the veil of ‘true’ religion” (from “Prophet” from the Desert - Mohammed, by Chr. + Th. Schirrmacher). However, under the image of raiders John sees the mighty cavalry of the Arabians (9:3), whereas they did not have to damage the vegetation, but only people who had not the seal of G-d, namely, idolaters and worshipers (9:4). They also did not have to kill people, but torture them and that for five months. These five months are to be seen as a prophetic period of 150 years (9:5), namely from the year 622 AD, the year of Mohammed’s/Muhammad's escape from Mecca to Medina, until 772, the year of establishment of the Caliphate of Baghdad. The five months of prophetic time are indicated again (9:10). Many interpreters see the beginning of these 150 years on the day of the battle of Bithynia near Nicomedia on 27th July 1299. This was the first attack of the Turks on the Eastern Roman Empire. At the end of these five prophetic months, in 1448, a new Byzantine emperor, Constantine Palaiologos, asked the Turkish Sultan Murad II for accession. The crown was received on 6th January 1449 after the desired permission had been granted by the Sultan. The Eastern Roman Empire had lost its independence and became dependent on the Muslims. The five months of the prophetic period ended on 27th July 1449, on the sounding of the sixth trumpet.

      Rev./Offb. 9,13 Und der sechste Engel posaunte: und ich hörte eine Stimme aus den vier Ecken des goldenen Altars vor JAHWEH,

      KJV + EL = And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before YAHWEH.

      Kap 8,3; 2. Mose 27,2; 30,1-3

      Rev./Offb. 9,14 die sprach zu dem sechsten Engel, der die Posaune hatte: Löse die vier Engel, die gebunden sind an dem großen Wasserstrom Euphrat.

      KJV + EL = Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet. Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

      Kap 16,12

      Rev./Offb. 9,15 Und es wurden die vier Engel los (gebunden), die bereit waren auf die Stunde und auf den Tag und auf den Monat und auf das Jahr, daß sie töteten den dritten Teil der Menschen.

      KJV + EL = And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, to slay/kill the third part of men.

      Kap 8

      Rev./Offb. 9,16 LUTHER + MENGE = Die Zahl der Scharen des Reiterheeres war viel tausend Mal tausend; und ich hörte ihre Zahl.

      KJV + EL = And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand (as twice ten thousand times ten thousand): and I heard the number of them.

      Rev./Offb. 9,17 Und also sah ich die Rosse im Gesicht und die daraufsaßen, daß sie hatten feurige und bläuliche und schwefelige Panzer; und die Häupter der Rosse waren wie die Häupter der Löwen, und aus ihrem Munde ging Feuer und Rauch und Schwefel.

      KJV + EL = And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth (hyacinth), and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

      Rev./Offb. 9,18 Von diesen drei Plagen wurde getötet der dritte Teil der Menschen, von dem Feuer und Rauch und Schwefel,

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