Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. James Davis Knowles

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Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson - James Davis Knowles

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a memorial of the character and actions of a departed servant of the Redeemer, it may assist to foster pious feelings, and to enkindle stronger desires for the universal triumph of the Gospel.

      Boston, February, 29, 1829.


      CHAPTER I.


      Mrs. Judson’s Birth, Education, and Conversion 9


      Her Connexion with Mr. Judson 31


      Embarkation—Voyage—Arrival at Calcutta 44


      Difficulties with the Bengal Government—Sail for Isle of France—Death of Mrs. Newell 56

      CHAPTER V.

      Mr. and Mrs. Judson, and Mr. Rice, become Baptists—Mr. Rice returns to America—Mr. and Mrs. J. sail for Madras—Arrive at Rangoon 69


      Sketch of the Geography, History, Religion, Language, &c. of the Burman Empire 87


      Establishment of the Mission at Rangoon 101


      Letters of Mrs. Judson—Birth and Death of a Son—Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Hough 116


      Mr. Judson’s Visit to Chittagong—Persecution of Mr. Hough, and his Departure for Bengal—Return of Mr. Judson—Arrival of Messrs. Colman and Wheelock 129

      CHAPTER X.

      Mr. Judson commences Preaching—First Convert baptized—Death of Mr. Wheelock 142

       CHAPTER XI.

      Visit to Ava—Unsuccessful Interview with the King 161


      Arrival in Calcutta—Return to Rangoon—Dr. Price joins the Mission—Mrs. Judson sails for America 177


      Mrs. Judson’s Visit to America—Mr. Wade joins the Mission—

      Sail for Calcutta 185


      Messrs. Judson and Price visit Ava 199


      Return of Mrs. Judson—War with the British 213


      Account of the Scenes at Ava during the War 227


      Narrative continued—Removal of the Prisoners to Oung-pen-la—Mrs. Judson follows them 243


      Removal to Amherst—Mrs. Judson’s Death 261


      Progress of the Mission after Mrs. Judson’s Death—Mr. Boardman joins the Mission—Dr. Price’s Death 279


      Present State of the Mission—New Station formed at Tavoy 289


      Concluding Remarks—Mr. Judson’s Address to American Females 314


      CHAPTER I.

      Mrs. Judson’s Birth, Education, and Conversion.

      “I am a man, and feel a concern in every thing that relates to mankind,” was the generous sentiment of a Roman poet, which touched a kindred chord even in the bosoms of his iron-hearted countrymen. It is this universal sympathy which has always given a charm to biography. The earliest human compositions were narratives of the exploits and adventures of distinguished individuals. History, which has been called “philosophy teaching by example,” owes the greater part of its usefulness and interest, to its sketches of individual character, and its details of private conduct. And the inspired volume has this additional evidence of its origin from Him who knows what is in man, that a large portion of it consists of biography. The life and the death of many, both of the enemies and of the friends of God, are here recorded, to teach mankind, in the most emphatic manner, the happiness which springs from piety, and the folly of those who know not God, and obey not the Gospel.

      It is remarkable, too, that Jehovah has thought proper to mention, in his word, with honourable commendation, many “holy women,” whose lives displayed the excellence of religion, and whose zeal in duty, firmness in suffering, and intrepidity in danger, entitle them to rank among the noble band, of whom the world was not worthy. The Bible, though written in a part of the earth where the female character is undervalued, is full of testimony to the moral and intellectual worth of woman. It is no small evidence of its divine origin, that it thus rises above a prejudice which seems to be universal, except where the Bible has dispelled it. Christianity alone teaches the true rank of women ; and secures to the loveliest and best portion of our race the respect and influence which belong to them.

      But no precedent or argument is needed to justify the publication of a Memoir of Mrs. Judson. Those who have acquired any knowledge of her character are, it is believed, desirous to know more ; and all the friends of Missions must wish to trace the progress of a life which has been so closely connected with the history of the Burman Mission.

      Mrs. Ann H. Judson was the daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Rebecca Hasseltine. She was born December 22, 1789, at Bradford, (Massachusetts) where her venerable parents yet reside.

      It has been said, that the character of men is formed by the education which they receive ; the companions among whom they are placed ; the pursuits to which they are led by inclination or necessity ; and the general circumstances of the situation into which accident or choice may have guided them.

      This opinion, though doubtless it derives some plausibility from the undeniable effects of education, of example, and of the numberless other influences which affect the minds and the hearts of men, is yet untrue, in regard both to the intellectual and moral character. Neither the reason nor the affections are so obsequious to the power of external circumstances, as readily to take any new shape and direction.

      There exist, without doubt, in the original structure of every mind, the distinctive elements of the future character. Favourable opportunities may be needed, to develope this character, but they cannot alone create it. The

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