Dispeller of Obstacles. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Dispeller of Obstacles - Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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style="font-size:15px;">       With the vajra mudra, you caught and rolled it.%

       As you wielded it, you flung it into the Sandalwood Forest.%

       The fire blazed and dried up its lake.%

       Instantly, you burned away the whole land of the tirthikas,%

       And you crushed the dark yakshas to dust.%

       Matchless Dükyi Shechen,%

       With your compassion, bestow your blessings upon me.%

       With your love, guide me and others on the path.%

       With your realization, grant me the siddhis.%

       With your powers, dispel my obstacles and those of others.%

       Clear the outer obstacles externally.%

       Clear the inner obstacles internally.%

       Clear the secret obstacles into space.%

       Respectfully, I bow down and take refuge in you.%


       HUNG HRIH!%

       Vidyadhara Dzamling Gyenchok, manifest from space.%

       Uttering the sounds of recitation, I invoke you.%

       From the core of your heart-samaya, please come!%

       With apparent and empty bodily forms, you fill the billionfold universe.%

       With resounding and empty mantra tones of speech, you roar like thunder.%

       With the aware and empty space of mind, you rest in the state of luminosity.%

       All the deities, delighting in the dance of bliss,%

       Invoke the mantras with effortless vajra songs.%

       The liberating life force of wisdom endows your mind.%

       Until attaining clarity, I will endeavor in visualization and recitation.%

       Until I reach perfection, please don’t forsake your intentions!%

       Do not forget me; the time for your great heart-samaya has come!%

       On this very seat, let me perfect the fourfold Approach and Accomplishment,%

       And make me realize the lord of the mandala.%


       In the eastern direction, upon the glowing spoke of the jewel,%

       In the heart center of Vidyadhara Dzamling Gyenchok,%

       Is the letter HUNG upon a sun disc, encircled by the mantra chain.%

       As the vajra sparks, the radiating rays of light%

       Destroy the drekpas and purify the fixation on a real phenomenal realm.%

       By gathering back, the light dissolves into me, and in blessing me,%

       Self-cognizance is perfected into the mind of Mahaguru.%

       The five poisons are self-liberated, and mastery over the wisdoms is attained.%

       Om rulu rulu hung jo hung%

       Offering Prayer

       Assembly of wisdom deities, I invite you. Please come!%

       I offer you outer, inner, and secret offerings.%

       I praise your body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities.%

       I confess careless transgressions and errors.%


       When you subjugated the rakshasas,%6

       As a young boy in nirmanakaya attire,%

       You displayed a wonderous form of goodness,%

       With magnificent color, even teeth, and beautiful, golden hair.%

       Like a youth of sixteen years,%

       Wearing all kinds of jewel ornaments,%

       Your right hand grips a bronze phurba,%

       Subjugating maras and rakshasas.%

       Your left hand holds a teak phurba,%

       Granting protection to your devoted sons and daughters.%

       Wearing an iron phurba around your neck,%

       You are indivisible from the yidam deity.%

       Dzamling Gyenchok, nondual nirmanakaya,%

       With your compassion, bestow your blessings upon me.%

       With your love, guide me and others on the path.%

       With your realization, grant me the siddhis.%

       With your powers, dispel my obstacles and those of others.%

       Clear the outer obstacles externally.%

       Clear the inner obstacles internally.%

       Clear the secret obstacles into space.%

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