The Tara Compendium. Chokgyur Lingpa

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The Tara Compendium - Chokgyur  Lingpa

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       Have been our kind mothers.

       Therefore, motivated by love and compassion towards each one,

       Give your happiness and goodness to them

       And take their suffering and its causes upon yourself.

       Beginning with your present mother,

       Train your mind with everyone throughout the universe.

       In order to bring them happiness

       And dispel their suffering and its causes,

       With the perfect superior intention,

       Develop the aspiring awakened mind

       And practice the six paramitas in application.

       In particular, straighten your body and expel your stale breath.

       Focus on the form of Jetsün Tara in the sky before you.

       Envision her as inseparable from your guru

       And visualize the emanation of light rays.

       When your mind is dull, focus it on a sphere in her forehead.

       When your mind is even, rest it at her heart center.

       When your mind is agitated, settle it in her navel center.

       Through unwavering concentration,

       One-pointedly focus your mind, eyes, and breath.

       Finally, she dissolves into you.

       Cut the pursuit of thoughts of the three times.

       Rest in the continuity of objectless naturalness.

       With body and mind made pliable, shamatha is accomplished.

       This is called the paramita of concentration.

       Within this state, all that appears

       As outer and inner, the world and beings,

       Is merely personal perception, like dreaming.

       Look at the mind that perceives.

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