The Tara Compendium. Chokgyur Lingpa

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The Tara Compendium - Chokgyur  Lingpa

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       All is elusive and traceless, like a cloud in the sky.

       Carefully investigate mind’s nature.

       It is not oneness, but vividly awake.

       In this state of indivisibility beyond concepts,

       Realize the samadhi of united shamatha and vipashyana—

       The ultimate mother, Jetsün Tara, Prajñaparamita.

       These were the instructions in the main practice of the path.

       After understanding that all phenomena are empty,

       Train in unborn yet unconfined perception

       As the development stage.

       Externally, by the Approach of gathering accumulations, and

       Internally, by the Accomplishment of raining down blessings,

       Purify your being.

       For the special innermost path,

       Visualize the guru yoga of devotion,

       Offer mandalas and supplications,

       Receive the four empowerments,

       And mingle your mind.

       Then, for the Great Accomplishment,

       As the expression of the undivided three samadhis,

       Visualize the mandalas of the support and supported;

       By vivid presence, stable pride, and pure recollection,

       Accomplish clear visualization.

       By fully perfecting this distinctness,

       Which has the capacity to cut clinging to ordinary experience,

       Apply the crucial points of body posture and

       Focus your mind on a radiant sphere in the heart.

       When your mind becomes accustomed to this,

       Rest in the continuity of original mind-essence,

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