Social Engagement & the Steps to Being Social. Kathleen Taylor, ORL/L

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Social Engagement & the Steps to Being Social - Kathleen Taylor, ORL/L

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realize that more than one or two motivating items should be made available because an individual will become bored and satiate on only one motivating item or topic.

       Increase the duration and frequency of the engaged moments

      When you find those moments of ENGAGEMENT, you should work to hold them for a longer period of time. Look for opportunities to make them happen more frequently. These moments need to be practiced in a variety of settings, with a variety of people, and using a variety of items.


       Identify and teach others the importance of ENGAGEMENT

      Everyone needs to understand that being READY and then sharing space, focus, and pleasure is the foundation to understanding the social world.

      Evidence-based practice is a process for informed decision making. In this process, results of high-quality research are used in combination with professional expertise and individual and family preferences to determine appropriate practices to use for a specific intervention. This process makes clear that the experiences, values, and preferences of educators, interventionists, and those with whom we work should contribute equally to our clinical decisions. As with all interventions, ongoing assessment and data collection are critical to ensure that the interventions are effective for a specific individual (Boehm, 2016). Also, remember that our work in intervention is a blend of art and science; each professional, along with the family members with whom she partners, will bring her own history, personal skill set, and creativity to the amazing job of teaching social skills.

      The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on ASD is one source of information for learning about and using evidence-based practices, including information briefs, steps for implementation, and fidelity checklists ( The NPDC website provides links to Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules (AFIRM), with modules for learning about evidence-based practices. In addition, the National Autism Center has identified established and emerging treatments through the National Standards Project ( Many practices are identified by both organizations. Evidence-based practices linked to Social Engagement & the Steps to Being Social are based on practices defined by the NPDC.

      Information about evidence-based practices in autism is available to practitioners and parents. These practices cover an enormous range of skills and abilities. Practically speaking, it is especially important to learn to use knowledge about ASD, understanding of a specific individual, and clinical judgment to match the right practice with a specific goal for learning. Too often, a well-researched practice is used to support the development of a specific skill for which it does not make sense. Consider how the wrong screwdriver, even a brand new and well-crafted one, can derail afternoon plans for a simple home project. Similarly, employing well-known, useful practices such as social narratives, social groups, and video modeling, when applied at the early stages of ENGAGEMENT, is often ineffective.

      The following EBPs have been shown to support aspects of ENGAGEMENT and have proven effective in our own practice to teach the FOUNDATION of “being social.”

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