Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
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Location: Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 1150 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
Description: Constance Elizabeth Cumbey (1944- ) is a Michigan lawyer. Between the years 1981 and 1988 Constance Cumbey ceased her law practice and dedicated her life to investigating the New Age Movement. The Constance Cumbey collection consists of her publications, research files and other material related to her investigations of alleged connections between New Age cults and the New World Order and various politicians, organizations and institutions. There are also files documenting her interest in Christian fundamentalism and prominent evangelists and their ties to cults. The collection has been divided into three series: Topical Files (three subseries), Personal Files, and Other Media. The series Topical Files. Subseries Group 1, contains files on Abortion, Acton Institute, Albionic Research, American Center for Law and Justice, American Family Association, American Freedom Coalition, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), American Liberty Association, Anti-Semitism, Aryan Nations, Jim Bakker, Christian Coalition, Christian Identity Movement, Christian Reconstructionism, Civil Rights Movement, Committee to Restore the Constitution, Communism, Council for National Policy, Eugenics, Euthanasia, Jerry Falwell, Louis Farrakhan, Fascism, Financial Advice-Gary North, Focus on the Family, Newt Gingrich, Hal Lindsey Ministries, Hillsdale College, Adolph Hitler, Home Schooling, Homosexuality, Human Life International, John Birch Society, Journal of Historical Review, The Kibbo Kift Foundation, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Libertarians, Texe Marrs, McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, Militia Groups, Nazi and Nazism, Nazis and United States Support, New World Order (NWO), Patriot Network, Population Research Institute, Pro-Choice Movement, Pro-Life, Promise Keepers, Psychopolitics, Racism, Ralph Reed, The Religious Right, Republic of Texas, Right Wing Movements, Pat Robertson, The Rutherford Institute, Robert Schuller-Hour of Power, Tradition, Family, and Property Magazine, White Supremacy, and White Supremacy-Stormfront Website. The series Topical Files. Subseries Group 2, contains files on Albionic Consulting (Alpine Enterprises), Abortion, Accuracy In Media, American Enterprise Institute, American Freedom Coalition, American Opinion Libraries, Anti-Semitism, Don Bell Reports, Samuel Blumenfeld, Bob Jones University, Brainwashing Techniques, William Branham, Maj. Edgar Bundy, Campus Crusade For Christ, Frank Capell, Christian Reconstruction Movement, Christian Defense League, Christian Reconstructionist Movement, Church League of America, News and Views, Dr. John Coleman, Charles W. Colson, Communism, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Reform Movements, Corporate Mind Control, Council for National Policy, Phoebe Courtney, Dr. James Dobson, Dominion Theology, Eagle Forum (Schlafly), T.S. Eliot, Eugenics, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Fund To Restore An Educated Electorate (F.R.E.E.), Billy James Hargis, Paul Harvey, Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, Imprimis Newsletter, Home Education, Human Events, Identity Movement, John Birch Society, Jack Kemp, Khazar Jew Theories, Knights of Malta, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Charles Koch, Ku Klux Klan, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Lyndon LaRouche, Liberty Lobby, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Hal Lindsey, Tex Marrs, Dr. W.S. McBirnie, Mind Control Systems, Brig. Gen. Jack Mohr, Mont Pèlerin Society, Moral Majority, Moral Rearmament, Eustace Mullins, Nazism, Neo-nazi, Gary North, New Right Political Movement, Omni Publications, "Orage and The New Age Circle," by Paul Selver, Ezra Pound, Prayer In Schools Issue, Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, PTL Television Network [Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker], Racism, Reconstructionalism, Right To Life Movement, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Rockford Institute, Rushdoony, Rutherford, Phyllis Schlafly, Robert Schuller, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Skinhead Movement, Cleon Skousen, Social Credit, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Sons of Liberty, Alan Stang, Trilateral Commission [Conspiracy Theories], Trilateral Commission, "The Conspiracy Behind the Trilateral Commission," by the Executive Intelligence Review, 1981, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Nesta Webster (incl. "The Specialist Network," by Nesta Webster, 1926), and Paul Weyrich. The series Topical Files. Subseries Group 3, contains files on Abortion, Gary Allen, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Semitism, Aryan Nations, Sam Blumenfeld, William Branham, An Exposition of the Church of the Ages, Pat Buchanan, Christian Coalition, Christian Identity Movement, Club of Rome, Concentration Camps, United States and Canada [printed at
web/20000817011219/], Constitutional Convention, Covert Action Information Bulletin, Creationism, Dennis Cuddy, David Duke, Euthanasia, Fascism, Jerry Falwell, Focus on the Family, Newt Gingrich, Bo Gritz, Heritage Foundation, Homosexuality, Bob Jones University, Ku Klux Klan, Tim LaHaye, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Liberty Lobby, Hal Lindsey, Tex Marrs, Mind Control, Eustace Mullins, National ID, Nazism, Neo-Nazism, New Right, Operation Rescue, Opus Dei, Population Research Institute, Populist Party, Ezra Pound, Pro-family Forum, Promise Keepers, Ayn Rand Institute, Reconstructionists, Reconstruction, Crosswinds: The Reformation Digest, Ritual Murders, Pat Robertson, Rockford Conference, Phyllis Schlafly, Robert Schuller, Social Credit Movement, Sons of Liberty, Tradition, Family, and Property, The Trilateral Commission, and World Government.
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[0723] E. E. Cummings additional papers, 1870-1969, MS Am 1892-1892.11
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard Yard, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Description: E. E. Cummings (1894-1962) was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. Series: I.MS Am 1892: Letters to E. E. Cummings, contains correspondence from James Angleton, Irving Babbitt, The Conservative Party, Inc., John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, The Freeman; a monthly journal of ideas on liberty. N.Y, Eustace Clarence Mullins, Ezra Pound, and H. Keith Thompson. Series: II. MS Am 1892.1: Letters from E. E. Cummings, contains correspondence to Irving Babbitt, John Dos Passos, Ernest Hocking, and Ezra Pound.
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[0724] E. E. Cummings additional papers, 1917-1962, MS Am 1892.13
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard Yard, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Description: Series: I. Letters by Edward Estlin Cummings to various correspondents, contains correspondence to John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, William Ernest Hocking, Ezra Pound, Noel Stock, and H. Keith Thompson.
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[0725] E. E. Cummings papers, 1870-1969, MS Am 1823-1823.10
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard Yard, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Description: Series: I. MS Am 1823: Letters to E. E. Cummings, contains correspondence from J. J. Angleton, Committee of One Million Against the Admission of