Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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PHOTOS.223.001 [photographs]

      Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

      Description: The official organ of the Communist Party, USA, the Daily Worker covered the major stories of the twentieth century but placed an emphasis on left-wing political movements as well as right wing extremism with an emphasis on fascist and Nazi movements. The collection contains approximately 670,000 photographic negatives in 4 x 5, 8 x 10, 120, 127 and 35 millimeter formats, contact sheets and log sheets related to the 35 millimeter negatives, and several hundred slides. Although materials in the collection were gathered throughout the life of the paper, the bulk of the material dates from 1930 to 1948 and from 1968 to 1990. Includes negatives captioned German American Bund (undated); Women Picketing Congressman's House to Protest H.R. 1776 (Lend-Lease Bill) (Mar 1941); Veterans Picketing the Daily News, Holding Picket Signs That Read: "The News is 100% Anti-Jew, Anti-Negro, Anti-Alien, Anti-American," "Hitler Isn't Dead, He's Writing For the News, See O'Donnell's Column" and "Dust O'Donnell" (Nov 1945); Charles Lindbergh, Jr., in Germany, and German Write-ups About Him (Dec 10, 1946); Copies of Nazi Propaganda Pamphlets (Aug 1945); Copy of Potsdam Conference Picture (seated from left to right, Clement Attlee, Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin) (May 1946); Pass Anti-Lynch Bill (Jun 1948); Minutemen Threat to The Worker (Sep 11, 1967); George Wallace For President Supporters Picket W. E. B. Du Bois Centennial Meeting, Carnegie Hall, New York, New York (Feb 23, 1968); George Wallace Rally, Madison Square Garden, New York, New York. Curtis LeMay also pictured (Oct 24, 1968); Pro-War Demonstration, City Hall, New York, New York. Participants include construction workers, longshoremen, members of John Birch Society (May 11, 1970); Daily World Offices (205 West 19th Street, 8th Floor) Attacked by Jewish Defense League Led by Meir Kahane. Film documenting attack exposed and tossed into trash can (June 3, 1970); Aeroflot and InTourist Bombed by Jewish Defense League (Nov 25, 1970); Jewish Defense League Invades American-Soviet Friendship Council, 156 6th Avenue, New York, New York (Dec 23, 1970); Right-Wingers Protest "Anti-Semitism" in Soviet Union. Participants include John Lindsay, Victor Gotbaum, members of Jewish Defense League, John Birch Society and Italian American Anti-Defamation League (Dec 29, 1970); Lobby of Daily World Building (205 West 19th Street, New York, New York) Firebombed by Jewish Defense League (Jan 17, 1971); Jewish Defense League Harasses Soviet Union Diplomats, Soviet Union Mission to the United Nations (67th Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenues), New York, New York (Feb 16, 1971); Jewish Defense League Pickets Communist Party of the United States of America Headquarters, 23 West 26th Street, New York, New York (Mar 30, 1971); Communist Party of the United States Headquarters Bombed by Jewish Defense League, 23 West 26th Street, New York, New York (Mar 30, 1971); Demonstration Against Israeli Aggression and Tactics of Jewish Defense League, Israel Mission to United Nations, 800 2nd Avenue, New York, New York. Radical Zionist Alliance and Jewish Defense League hold counter protest (Nov 23, 1971); Jewish Defense League Breaks Up School Board Meeting, P.S. 19, New York, New York (Jan 26, 1972); Jewish Defense League Kills Women in Bombing, Sol Hurok's Office, 56th Street and 6th Avenue, New York, New York (Jan 26, 1972); Young Workers Liberation League Members Beaten by Thugs from National Caucus of Labor Committees, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Apr 11, 1973); National Caucus of Labor Committee Goons Attack Center for Marxist Education (29 West 15th Street), New York, New York (Apr 30, 1973); National Caucus of Labor Committees Goons in Debate with Bill Scott, Penn Garden Hotel (31st Street and 7th Avenue), New York, New York (Apr 27, 1973); National Caucus of Labor Committees Members, New York Criminal Court, 110 Centre Street, New York, New York (Jul 16, 1973).

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0737] Daily Worker and Daily World Photographs Collection, 1920-2001 (bulk 1930-1990), PHOTOS.223 [photographs]

      Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

      Description: The official organ of the Communist Party, USA, the Daily Worker's editorial positions reflected the policies of the Communist Party. The collection consists of approximately 178,000 photographic prints produced by a variety of processes, as well as clippings and graphic material. Series I: Biographical Files, contains files on Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, America First Committee, anti-Communism, anti-Semitism, John M. Ashbrook, Friedrich Ernst Auhagen, Joseph Beauharnais, Byron de la Beckwith, Ezra Taft Benson, George Benson, Theodore Gilmore Bilbo, William Edgar Borah, R. H. Bork, Spruille Braden, Boris Brasol, John W. Bricker, Styles Bridges, Howard Victor Broenstrupp, Anita Bryant, Patrick J. Buchanan, William F. Buckley, Jr., Louis F. Budenz, Edgar C. Bundy, Usher L. Burdick, Harry Flood Byrd, William J. Cameron, Homer E. Capehart, Church League of America, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Charles E. Coughlin, Fred Cowan, Edward Lodge Curran, Stephen A. Day, George Deatherage, Prescott F. Dennett, Lawrence Dennis, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Dilling, Barry Domvile, Karl Dönitz, David Ernest Duke, James O. Eastland, Max Eastman, Charles A. Edison, Virgil F. Effinger, T. S. Eliot, Jerry Falwell, Amintore Fanfani, Orval Eugene Faubus, Paul Findley, Hamilton Fish, Henry Ford, James Forrestal, Patrick J. Frawley, Frank E. Gannett, Virginio Gayda, Benjamin Gitlow, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering, Barry M. Goldwater, Edith Green, Billy James Hargis, Merwin Kimball Hart, Jesse Helms, Rudolf Hess, Alger Hiss, Adolf Hitler, Clare E. Hoffman, Rush Dew Holt, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, House Committee on Un-American Activities, Charles B. Hudson, H. L. Hunt, Edward H. Hunter, Ellis O. Jones, Walter Judd, Harry Jung, Howard Eldred Kershner, Willford Isbell King, William F. Knowland, Ku Klux Klan, Fritz Kuhn, Alfred M. Landon, William Langer, Owen Lattimore, William Lemke, Isaac Don Levine, Robert Ley, Charles A. Lindbergh, Huey Pierce Long, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Clare Boothe Luce, Douglas MacArthur, Russell Maguire, J. B. Matthews, Harvey Matusow, Joseph McCarthy, Carl McIntire, Joseph Ellsberry McWilliams, Adolphe Menjou, Tom Metzger, Draža Mihailović, József Mindszenty, Raymond Moley, Oswald Mosley, Karl E. Mundt, William H. Murray, Vance Muse, Benito Mussolini, National Renaissance Party, National States Rights Party, Jerry Nims, Oliver North, Gerald P. Nye, W. Lee O'Daniel, Lee Harvey Oswald, Otto F. Otepka, Franz von Papen, John Patler, Wright Patman, J. Westbrook Pegler, William Dudley Pelley, Leander Perez, J. Howard Pew, Herbert A. Philbrick, Gifford Pinchot, Stefan T. Possony, Pierre Poujade, Ezra Pound, Edgar M. Queeny, John E. Rankin, John R. Rarick, John J. Raskob, Ronald Reagan, B. Carroll Reece, Ogden Mills Reid, Ogden R. Reid, William A. Reuben, Robert Rice Reynolds, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Charles Owen Rice, Eddie Rickenbacker, Matthew B. Ridgway, Victor Riesel, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, George Lincoln Rockwell, Carlos P. Romulo, Kermit Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Alfred Rosenberg, John H. Rousselot, Jack Ruby, Richard B. Russell, Jr., William Safire, Leverett Saltonstall, John C. Satterfield, Richard Mellon Scaife, Antonin Scalia, Phyllis Schlafly, John G. Schmitz, George S. Schuyler, Fred Schwarz, Clay Shaw, Robert M. Shelton, Allan Shivers, William Shockley, Jouett Shouse, Suzanne Silvercruys, John K. Singlaub, Otto Skorzeny, W. Cleon Skousen, Gerald L. K. Smith, George Sokolsky, Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Heinz Spanknoebel, John Sparkman, John L. Spivak, Walter S. Steele, Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, John C. Stennis, Jesse Benjamin Stoner, George E. Stratemeyer, Fulvio Suvich, Jimmy Swaggart, Robert A. Taft, Eugene Talmadge, Herman E. Talmadge, Clarence Thomas, Dorothy Thompson, Strom Thurmond, Tokyo Rose, John G. Tower, Francis E. Townsend, James A. Van Fleet, Mrs. Lyril Clark Van Hyning, Harold Himmel Velde, George Sylvester Viereck, Richard A. Viguerie, Oswald Garrison Villard, B. J. Vorster, George R. Wackenhut, Edwin A. Walker, George C. Wallace, Francis E. Walter, Lois de Lafayette Washburn, J. C. Watts, John Wayne, Albert C. Wedemeyer, Robert W. Welch, Rebecca West, Burton K. Wheeler, Harry Dexter White, William Allen White, Alexander Wiley, Wendell L. Willkie, Gerald B. Winrod, Robert E. Wood, and Allen Alderson Zoll. Series II: Subject Files, contains files on Abortion; America First Committee (AFC); American Independent Party; American League Against War and Fascism; American Legion; American Party; American Vindicator (newspaper); Anti-Communism; Anti-Nazi and Anti-Fascist

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