Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      Finding aids:

      [0070] American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri Records, 1953-2008, WUA/


      Location: University Archives, Washington University in St. Louis, West Campus, 7425 Forsyth Blvd, St Louis, MO 63105

      Description: This collection contains the records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri. Items in the collection include office files, promotional materials, memos, reports, financial documents, articles, conference materials, and other materials. Series 1: St. Louis Civil Liberties Committee, 1935-1967. Sub-Series 1: Office Files, 1953-1959, contains the statement of the ACLU on "Civil Aspects of the Lee Harvey Oswald Case.... December 1963." Sub-Series 2: Office Files and Cases, 1947-1957, contains a copy of "The Informer," by Frank Donner, The Nation, April 10, 1954; material on the Gwinn Amendment to the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, a law passed in 1952 requiring of persons living in federally-assisted housing a loyalty oath to the effect that they were not members of any organization on the Attorney General's "subversive list"; copies of bills on: lynching and poll tax; and Lattimore the Scholar, edited by Gerry Boas and Harvey Wheeler (1953), containing articles by other scholars attesting to Professor Lattimore's reputation; a copy of "People vs Property: Race Restrictive Covenants in Housing," by Herman H. Long and Charles S. Johnson, 1947 [online at]. Sub-Series 3: General Files of the Chairman, 1960-1961 (circa), and 1963-1965, contains "Communism on the Map" - complete text of the tape-film strip; and "The Greater St. Louis School of Anti-Communism, April 1961, Selected Quotations" prepared by the St. Louis Civil Liberties Committee (STLCLC), St. Louis, 1962. Series 2: ACLU of Eastern Missouri Files, 1953-1981. Sub-Series 1: Office Files, 1953-1980, contains a file on Ultra Right Organizations 1962-1967; a filmstrip guide to "Communism on the Map"; "The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade," prepared by STLCLC (April 1962); and a file on interracial marriage and miscegenation. Sub-Series 4: News clippings, 1967-1985, contains files on desegregation; Equal Rights Amendment; Church/State Aid to Parochial Schools - The School Bus Question; and School Desegregation U.S. Cities. Series 3: ACLU of Eastern Missouri Files, 1940-1991, contains files on Robert Bork-ACLU Opposition to Supreme Court Nomination; School Desegregation/ Busing; National Socialist White Peoples Party - Dennis Nix; National Socialist White Peoples Party v. Breckenridge Hills; Nix v. Breckenridge Hills - National Socialist White Peoples Party; and Nazis. Series 4: ACLU of Eastern Missouri Files, 1959-1995. Sub-Series 1: Administrative & Subject Files, has files on abortion, civil rights, and Ronald Reagan. Series 5: ACLU of Eastern Missouri Files, 1960-2003, has files on the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Series 8: American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri Files, 1994-2012, contains files on Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan v. City of Cape Girardeau.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0071] American Civil Liberties Union of Florida Records, 1955-1981, Ms 2

      Location: Special & Area Studies Collections, PO Box 117005, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, 205 Smathers Library, 1508 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611-7005

      Description: The American Civil Liberties Union of Greater Miami was formally recognized by the American Civil Liberties Union as an affiliate on June 6, 1955. The group was formed largely as a response to the anti-Communist scare of the nineteen fifties. Following the formation of chapters in Gainesville and Tampa, the group's named was changed in 1959 to the Florida Civil Liberties Union. In 1965, the name was changed again to the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, and the Miami affiliate was recognized as a chapter within the state wide organization. The records contain the official records and correspondence of the organization, topical files on subjects of interest, and complaints from citizens about alleged civil rights violations. The series Desegregation has files on Desegregation: Dade County School Board. The series Women has files on abortion and Equal Rights Amendment. The series Cases (Intake forms, briefs, etc.) by Subject, has files on Abortion, Ku Klux Klan, and Socialist Workers Party. The series ACLU of Florida Positions, 1971-1989, contains a file on Children's Rights (including Prayer in School).

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0071a] American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia Records, 1938-2014 (bulk 1975-2000), RBRL/025/ACLU

      Location: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries, 300 S Hull St, Athens, GA 30605

      Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia, founded in 1963, is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting civil liberties in the state of Georgia. The records document their litigation and lobbying work, the subjects that they are concerned with, and their daily operations and include correspondence, case files, research files, and publications. Series I. Administrative, 1963-2009, contains files on ACLU: Skokie, 1978-1981, and ["Partial-Birth Abortion" Bans: The Threat to Reproductive Freedom]. Series II. Issues, 1952-2009 (Bulk, 1985-2000), contains files on Abortion (Access, Clinic Protests and Violence, Partial Birth, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Right-to-Life Groups, Rust v. Sullivan (Gag Rule), Webster v. Reproductive Health Services); American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ); Anti-Semitism; Birth Control; George Bush; Censorship; Christic Institute; Church/State; Church and State; Coral Ridge Ministries; Creationism; Discrimination; Discrimination, race; Equal Rights Amendment; Euthanasia; Family Planning; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Flag Burning; Confederate Flag; Fundamentalists; Gay and Lesbian Rights; Genetics; Newt Gingrich; Gun Control; Hate Crimes; Highlander Center; Immigration - McCarran-Walter Act; Interracial Relationships; Judiciary (Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas); KKK; Jack Kemp; Koinonia; Ku Klux Klan; Libertarian Party; Loyalty Oaths; Ed Meese; Militia; Multiculturalism; Planned Parenthood; Pornography; Republican Party; Schools (Creationism, Prayer, Religion, Segregation, Racial, Sex Education); Sodomy; Sterilization; Terrorism; and Voting Rights. Series III. Legal, 1938-2014 (Bulk, 1974-2007), contains files on City of Atlanta v. Operation Rescue and Voting Rights. Series IV. Legislation, 1984-2014 (Bulk, 2000-2010), contains files on AAP [Abortion Access Project], "Impeding the Right to Choose: Crisis Pregnancy Centers" [Emergency Contraception], 2004 [online at


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