Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
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[0072] ACLU of Louisiana records, 1954-1986, Manuscripts Collection 661
Location: Louisiana Research Collection, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, 6801 Freret St, New Orleans, LA 70118
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana (ACLULA) started in 1956 as a state affiliate of the national ACLU, adopting the initial name of the Louisiana Civil Liberties Union (LCLU). The first president of the group was George Dreyfous. In the chapter's early years, the organization dealt with many issues related to segregation, including school integration, voting rights, and censorship of media. The group also struggled against public perceptions that the group had Communist sympathies. The records include financial records, court case files, personal correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, case research, and newsletters. Files on Abortion, Civil rights in the South, Communist material, Communist Party elections, Constitution, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Jim Garrison, F. Edward Hébert, Ku Klux Klan, Knights vs. East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, Socialist Workers Party, Sterilization, Unification Church, and Young Men's Business Club attack on ACLU.
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[0072a] American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana records, 1970-1985
Location: Amistad Research Center, Inc., Tilton Hall, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118
Description: These records document a range of activities including legal cases and ongoing functions of the Louisiana branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. Cases include a variety of issues, such as Creationism, abortion, AIDS discrimination, censorship, and others.
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[0073] American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland (ACLU) Collection, 1919-2005
Location: Langsdale Library Special Collections, University of Baltimore, 1420 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Description: The Maryland ACLU was founded March 8, 1931, and currently has over 14,000 members in Maryland. It is a nonprofit foundation involved in litigation and public education. The collection consists of case files, correspondence, reports, publications, clippings, and programs. Series IX. Subject Files, contains files on Abortion, Abortion, Sterilization, Church/State: Prayer in Schools, Expression: Flag Desecration, Expression: Loyalty Oaths, Operation Abolition, and George L. Rockwell.
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[0074] American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts records, 1920-2005
Location: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215
Description: The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), formerly the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM), consist of 96 record cartons, 3 document boxes and 11 oversize boxes, spanning the years 1920-2005. The records include legal, legislative, and subject files, ACLUM administrative records, correspondence, printed material, and other records related to the organization's attempts to protect civil rights in Massachusetts and the United States. Series I. Archival records, 1920-1970, contains files on Anti-Poll Tax Bill; Dies Committee; Poll-Tax; McCarran Act; Smith Act of 1940; "Operation Correction," anti-HUAC film, 1962; "Operation Abolition," HUAC Film, 1961; American Nazi Party, George L. Rockwell case, 1960; Becker Amendment, school prayer, 1964; Group Research Report, newsletter in right-wing groups, index, 1964; Group Research Report, newsletter, 1962-63; House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); John Birch Society; and Massachusetts Commission to Investigate Subversion, Sherman Commission, "Reports of The Social Commission to Investigate the Activities within this Commonwealth of Communistic, Fascist, Nazi and other Subversive Organizations...," Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1938. Series VII. Subject files, 1972-1999, contains files on Abortion, 1978-1989; ACLU defense of right-wingers, 1987; David Duke; The Nationalist Movement, 1995; Ollie North on Freedom Alliance, 1990; Religious Right, 1993-1994; Skokie and CLUM, 1977-1978; and White supremacist parade. 1994 (Richard Barrett of the Mississippi-based Nationalist Movement, in Boston, May 7, 1994).
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[0075] American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan/Metropolitan Detroit Branch Collection Papers, 1952-1966, Accession #231
Location: Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, 5401 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202
Description: The Metropolitan Detroit Branch of the American Civil Liberties Union was chartered in 1952 as an affiliate of the national ACLU, founded in 1920 to protect the civil liberties of citizens expressing unpopular views during World War I. In 1961, the Lansing, Ann Arbor, and Detroit area chapters joined together to form the ACLU of Michigan, which coordinates civil liberties activities for these and several other chapters that formed over the next decades. The papers of the ACLU of Michigan/Metropolitan Detroit Branch consist of minutes, correspondence, reports, clippings, case files, press releases, newsletters and other material relating primarily to the activities of the Detroit branch and to a lesser extent the activities of the state organization and regional branches. Series II - General File, contains files on Anti-Communist, Anti-Labor legislation, Bricker Amendment, Barry Goldwater, Gwinn Amendment (1952; forbidding the occupation of public housing by a member of an organization on the Attorney General's list of subversive groups, and required loyalty oaths as a means to insure this), Imprisonment for Debt, Jenner-Butler Bill (to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in certain cases), Miscegenation, Moral Rearmament, Operation Abolition and Operation Correction, Lee Harvey Oswald, Karl Prussion, Right to Work, Right Wing Organizations, Jack Ruby, and Smith Act (internal security).
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