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Ross Lambertson, "Activists in the Age of Rights: The Struggle for Human Rights in Canada - 1945-1960" (Ph.D., University of Victoria, 1998), http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp02/NQ37352.pdf.
Finding aids:
Name Index: http://microformguides.gale.com/Data/Download/3272000A.pdf
Name Index: http://www.gale.cengage.com/pdf/scguides/americancivil/ACLU.Index.name.pdf
Name Index: http://www.galegroup.com/pdf/scguides/americancivil/ACLU.Index.name.pdf
Name Index: https://web.archive.org/web/20070622072428/http://infoshare1.princeton.edu/libraries/firest
Subject Index: http://microformguides.gale.com/Data/Download/3271000A.pdf
Subject Index: http://www.gale.cengage.com/pdf/scguides/americancivil/ACLU.Index.subjects.pdf
Subject Index: http://www.galegroup.com/pdf/scguides/americancivil/ACLU.Index.subjects.pdf
Subject Index: https://web.archive.org/web/20070622072452/http://infoshare1.princeton.edu/libraries/firest
[0085] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2: Subject Files Series, 1947-1995, MC001.02.03
Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. Series 3: Subject Files; 1921-1990, consists of records gathered by the ACLU on various topics of interest pertaining to its mission. Files on ACLU Criticism of 1954 Report on "Neo-Fascist" Hate Groups [Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups, December 17, 1954 [Committee on Un-American Activities]]; Alaska Mental Health Bill; American Nazi Party; America's Future, Inc.-Operation Textbook; America's Concentration Camps [by] Allan R. Bosworth. Introd. by Roger Baldwin (New York, W.W. Norton and Co., 1967); Americanism Committee; Anti-Communist Seminar: Charles E. Woolery; Anti-Lynching Legislation; Anti-Poll Tax Constitutional Amendment; Anti-Poll Tax Legislation; Anti-Right Wing Groups; Conferences, Materials, etc.; Anti-Semitism; Association for Voluntary Sterilization; America First Party; Joseph V. Beauharnais; Becker Amendment (H.J. Res 693): General Information, Prayer, Bible Reading, Statements Opposing; Daniel Bell; Walter Bergman; John Birch Society; Blacklisting: Anti-Communists in Radio/TV; Blacklisting: Red Channels, Vincent Hartnett; Bricker Amendment; William F. Buckley's Refusal to Join Television Union; Hardy Burt: Complaint of Pressure-Group Activity against Facts Forum; Busing Legislation; James F. Byrnes; California Right to Work Law; Chinese Exclusion Laws; Christian Nationalist Party [Gerald L. K. Smith]: California Election Ban; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade: Dr. Fred C. Schwarz; Church League of America; Roy Cohn; "Communism on the Map"; Communist Party, Legislation to Outlaw; Communist Propaganda; Concerned American Citizens Association, U.S.A.; Connally Amendment; Conservatives of West Virginia (Ballot Case); "Containment or Liberation?" (James Burnham); Corporate Anti-Communist Programs: Notes on the Industrial-Military Complex; "Counter Attack" Counter Attack on Author Millard Lampell; Cox Committee Investigating Tax-Exempt Foundations; Dan Smoot Report Attack (Fairness Doctrine), Station Responses; Defense of Right Wing Groups; Right of Assembly: Ku Klux Klan Meeting Ban; Dirksen Prayer Amendment; Hilaire du Berrier; Education: Governor Talmadge - Georgia: Remarks; Englewood Anti-Communist League (NJ) (charged Mary McLeod Bethune with Communist affiliations in 1952); "Euthanasia Controversy," Dr. Hermann Sanders; Facts Forum Panel; Myron Fagan - Blacklisting in Hollywood Materials; Fascism Curbs; Father Feeney Religious Books: Ban on Sale; Flanders' Resolution to Strip Senator McCarthy of Committee Chairmanship; Fluoridation; Foundations - House (Reece) Investigation; Free Speech by Military Personnel - Sen. John Stennis: Speech; Free Speech: Dismissal from Army, Right Wing Speech: Maj. A.E. Roberts; Fund for the Republic (sponsor): Cancellation of Henry Cabot Lodge, ABC Interview with Mike Wallace (1958); Genocide Convention; William S. Girard case; Girl Scout Handbook - "Internationalist" References; Goldwater Anti-Communist Labor Bill (1953); Group Libel; Group Libel Legislation; Group Research Inc.: Wesley McCune; Gwinn Amendment - Banning Subversives from Public Housing; Rev. Billy Hargis: Broadcast Transcript, Warren Commission; Hate Legislation; Hate Literature Bill; Hate Propaganda through the Mails; Highlander Folk School: (TN) (Integrated Highlander School Raided by Ku Klux Klan; Tennessee Efforts to Close; Tennessee Legislative Hearing); Alger Hiss; House Un-American Activities Committee (ACLU Criticism of; ACLU Statement on Abolition HUAC; Dr. John Haynes Holmes - Testimony of Benjamin Gitlow; Ku Klux Klan Investigation; Letter to Congressman Walter; Operation Abolition; Report on "Hate" Groups (1954); Subpoenaing of Truman, et al. to Testify on Harry Dexter White Case); House of Representatives: Reece Subcommittee Report Attacking Foundations; William Huie (Contempt Case Rule); Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1953 (McCarran-Walter); Japan-MacArthur Dismissal Comments; John Birch Society; John Birch Society Members in Police Forces; Joseph Kamp - Lobbying Activities 1948; John Kasper - Contempt Case Related to School Integration; August Klapprott (De-naturalization); Ku Klux Klan; Owen Lattimore; David Lawrence Columns Attacking Supreme Court Rulings; David Lawrence and Osmond K. Fraenkel Correspondence Debates on Congressional Investigations; Legislation: Challenges to "Right to Work" Laws; Legislation: Study of Right to Work Laws; Let Freedom Ring: Automatic Telephone Service, Smear Messages; Letters from FBI to ACLU (J. Edgar Hoover); Fulton Lewis - Libel Indictment; Louisiana "Right to Work" Law; Kurt Ludecke; A.B. Magil; Harvey Matusow v. U.S. (Government Witness-Perjury); McCarran Act - Internal Security Act of 1950; McCarthy (Army Report on Cohn-Schine Affair; Cohn and Schine - McCarthy Anti-Semitism Charge; Democratic Digest Article; "McCarthyism" - J.B. Matthews - Resignation; Miscellaneous; The Progressive Magazine - Documentary on McCarthy ["McCarthy: A Documented Record." The Progressive, April 1954; online at http://content.wisconsinhistory.org/cdm/ref/collection/tp/id/63472]; Resolution to Oust from Senate Seat; Voice of America Hearings; World Telegram Series on McCarthy 1954 [Frederick Woltman, "The McCarthy Balance Sheet," New York World Telegram, July 1954]; Lucille Miller - Due process/commitment; Minute Women of America; NAACP: "Birth of a Nation"; Nazi Handbill Distribution Case: George Lincoln Rockwell and Kenneth Morgan; Reitman Neier and William F. Buckley Correspondence on Unionism and Free Speech; Operation Abolition, Film to Counteract Operation Abolition; L.H. Oswald; "Oswald and the Law" Documentary; O. Otepka - Saturday Evening Post Article 1964 [Ben H. Bagdikian, "Big