Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy. Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy - Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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the victim is an innocent person or a child who cannot answer. There is a victim complex that is afraid to even think about what is associated with these injuries. Not just talking. This and many other factors leave a whole group of crimes without actual punishment.

      How can Masked AUA occur? In the form of humiliation of a person’s dignity, with constant contact, systematic humiliation of personal dignity. In the form of attempts to injure the psyche: to sow anxiety, unreasonable guilt, unreasonable greatness, aggression and responsiveness. Systematic injuries do the trick.

      At some point, the effect becomes dangerous. As from the action of arsenic on the body: one serving is not so scary, and after a while, it is difficult to treat. PPM AF see this and may begin to manifest their AUA in more serious crimes. Knowing that the victim will not be able to respond. Due to the growing trauma of the psyche and the inability to defend oneself.

      AUAs are limited with physical, psychological capabilities of PPM AF, circumstances, and your mental defense.

      How can you protect yourself from this?

      STAGE 5. AUA or, in other words, a crime against you. Physical and psychic self-defense means – straitjackets of 3 millennia and another, mental ones – psychological constructions, mental tactics… But it is better to control the symptoms at the earliest stages and not bring it to this.

      STAGE 4. OF PPM. Try to transfer PPM to the Closed-Form of PPM. Indicate symptoms in some situations or diagnosis. Maintain a dialogue “Symptoms as they are!” If it is effective. For example, a certain PPM AF comes up to you in a washing machine store, he began to envy your smartphone and immediately went to the PPM OF. He wants to come up and ask what washing machine you would recommend buying.

      First, the plans of PPM go to the level of communication with you, then to the level of trust, and only after that reduce your dignity. Saying, for example, that you don’t understand anything in washing machines, regardless of your answer, and that he’d better contact the sellers. The motive for this act was precisely his neuro imbalance due to severe psychic disorder. And the trigger is your smartphone, which gradually activated the envy scheme.

      In order to transfer PPM to the CF, in this situation, one may ask: “Are you mentally disabled?” Hinting that you know the root of the problem, and then, when he begins to make excuses, say: “There are a lot of consultants for this, contact them.” Of course, in each situation, the correct translation of the disease into a closed-form will depend entirely on the context. And it is best not to bring to this stage. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

      For example, a different situation. You are standing in a queue that psychotypes with PPM AF can freely fall into. For the same reason, the PPM AF at the SCPO from AHM1 is being built in front of you and tries to accuse you of mental problems on your well-grounded discontent. In such a situation, you can translate into a Free Mental Language, and speak immediately on the merits, beat for a reason. “What symptom are you accusing me of?” Silence … “Stop talking about what you don’t understand. Go teach psychology and learn how to line up!”

      There is no better answer, each conflict situation is unique, and the decision will always depend on the depth of understanding of the processes inside the psyche of the seriously ill PPM AF. You are not required to provide psychiatric help to strangers. But ignoring the symptoms completely is the wrong decision. It is best to completely avoid the 4th stage and the 5th, power. As part of self-defense, of course. But be sure to be ready.

      STAGE 3. Let’s go back to the example with the buyer (PPM AF) in the home appliance store, which envied the smartphone. If you are diagnosed with a stream of symptoms at this point, then envy can be transferred to another object. For example, car keys. For his PPM to transfer to the OF, he had to win the internal World Championship of Idiocy. That is, to come up with a special championship, to come up with what will be a victory in this championship.

      And hold this championship inside his sick psyche. For example, in this situation – take his smartphone. And show others that he also has a smartphone. It is after this the PPM will begin the transition to the OF and the AUA threat will appear. But PPM AF will not be able to come up with a world madness championship and measure cars in a household appliance store. He can’t say: “Come, let me show you that I also have got a car”.

      So, with a simple trick, you will put PPM AF a difficult task and you can minimize possible contact with the vector of symptoms by moving to another department or series, for example. And these measures mean that the stage of OF of PPM delayed. And you can continue your purchases without the threat of attacks of aggression from people who are nobody in your life and name nothing.

      STAGE 2. Anxiety Condition. PPM looks into its psyche, which is not there, and the subconscious tells him: “You do not exist.” It is after this that the remaining stages begin. PPM AF is trying to prove to its subconscious that he exists and is no worse than you. PPM cannot take into account many factors. For example, the fact that the existence of this PPM is beyond the perimeter of your interest and life in general. And much more. PPM is a primitive gyrus that can take into account only one fact. In this situation, the need to prove PPM to itself that it exists.

      Very cool! If you can control the flow of symptoms of PPM at this point. For example. For girls who have good looks, there is a great tool that works in most cases at this stage. To smile. In America, they know how to use it professionally. Everyone heard the catchphrase “American smile.” Smile is a very popular means of non-violent psychotherapy. A person with PPM will not need all the other steps to prove that he exists. A smile will tell PPM in anxiety state that he exists. And there will be a rush of missing molecules: hormones and neurotransmitters in neuro imbalance. The symptom chain will end.

      But there are two points. The first. How not to continue contact with this PPM. After all, for him to get all these neuro molecules is like a drug. There must be a certain skill. Second. Why smile here? The fact that you were able to accurately diagnose this stage and protect yourself and others from unpleasant symptoms in which you are not to blame. Why others? Streams of aggression that will not pass on to you then pass on to others. Therefore, you can smile at how cool you are, not only externally, but also in psychoanalysis. But men were less fortunate. This type of mental weapons for men is not so effective.

      These were all tips when a person with PPM AF is completely alien. But if you are a girl and made the most popular mistake of girls with a low level of psychoanalysis, you married PPM AF, who could deceive you and pretend to be adequate. Good psychoanalysis on this topic in the movie “In Bed with the Enemy.” That recommendation could be this. But success depends on many factors. Diagnose accurately the state of the 1st stage and already at this stage make it clear to the husband with PPM AF that he exists. To make interesting news or talk about something nice. But not to be confused with the 3rd stage, when he already comes up with humiliation or insult to you. Here, such a move will play only against you. The situation is very complicated, and no recommendations are needed here, but the intensive work of a team of professionals.

      Once again the scheme!


      (physical: near/far, mental)


      Unreasonable Anxiety



      (envy object (s))


      Open Mental Illness Form

      (or OF PPM)



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