Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy. Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy - Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov

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the patient ate a very spicy soup and burned his throat, which made him cough. Or any other example. The doctor says: “Sorry. You then need a different course of treatment”. By the way, the problems are not only in psychology and psychiatry. Normal practice in medicine today. If the doctor finds a new symptom that does not fit into the diagnosis, then very often he is afraid of the consequences and simply ignores the symptom. Without changing the course of treatment. But in other areas of medicine at least you can figure it out. Imagine what is happening in psychology when doctors feel their complete impunity.

      What does a medical error in psychology mean? Firstly, the lack of laws on treatment violates the constitutional rights of a citizen. The fact that people make mistakes has been known since ancient times. But there are no elaborate articles and prescriptions that would protect the patient from this frequent occurrence. If the diagnosis was made wrong, of course, the doctor is afraid to admit it. Here is not just an apology, but at least an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – negligence. The same in other countries. Any educated person understands that the percentage of sincere confessions without preliminary evidence presented is practically zero. Of course, the doctor will do his best to keep his crime a secret and will use all possible levers against the patient.

      And if the property of the “patient was seized by a group of persons” who initiated this process, then this already falls under 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, from 5 to 12 years. Few admit a mistake when it could cost him jail. Besides, many psychologists receive diplomas in various ways, including having slept through all the lectures. And having written off the sums of money from the cards of parents, etc. And the surrounding system for doctors destroys the psyche no worse than other people. Therefore, they may also have types of insane struggle with patients. Patients are also not protected from this by law. And, of course, this only complicates the recognition of their incompetence.

      If a self mistake is difficult to admit without symptoms, then together with symptoms is even more difficult. Here independent Psychologists and representatives of the structural authority should be involved in investigations. Now simple math. Zero levels of psychoanalysis, often symptoms, a huge stream of patients. At all, and see, it happens, doctors do not have time. Of course, there are many medical errors in this environment. The only question is whether there are no mistakes. If so, then why are there no known cases of healing.

      In the medical environment, this issue is resolved simply. Mutual responsibility. We do not give others to prosecute, then they will not find our crimes. So many doctors argue in the modern healthcare system this way. That is, it is already evident that not only problems are growing like a snowball, but there are also groups of active opposition to raising the level of psychoanalysis, the quality of medicine and the legislative framework in this area.

      We recommend solving this and other issues using the Convention of World Psychology from the AHM. Where top experts in many areas prepare the best recommendations on how to protect their constitutional rights and refuse the aid of poor quality authorized. There are also the best iatrogenic lawyers in the AHM community who specialize in medical crimes. And the AHM community invites the best specialists to join the community itself. And also take part in the Convention of World Psychology. Every year, the AHM community tries to prepare an updated version of the PSY Convention and publish it.

      The definition of psychotherapy

      A common definition of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a system of therapeutic effects on the psyche and through the psyche on the whole body. Distinguish psychotherapy in psychology and psychiatry. The classification of AHM is complete and covers all psychotypes. The new definition of psychotherapy, which gives AHM, will be more general. That is, fit all groups of psychotypes. And accurate. This is an adaptive definition for each group and its goals.

      What other aspects of the popular definition are not clear enough? “Therapeutic effect.” It sounds like a panacea. Whoever undertakes psychotherapy will immediately have a therapeutic effect. What does that require? To have a therapeutic effect on the psyche? Diploma or degree? Or not to sleep at lectures? Or one magic word “psychotherapy” is enough to get a healing effect? Unfortunately, it is the therapeutic effect that is the extremely rare beast in the entire field of psychology.

      In the first book, AHM has already expanded the concept of psychotherapy and clarified this concept, dividing it into stages and types. Experimental, restraining, therapeutic, restorative, and strengthening psychotherapy. So, to get a therapeutic effect, you need a specialist of a high level of understanding of processes in the human psyche. Usually, it is required to carry out the first two long stages perfectly: the experimental stage and the stage of restraining psychotherapy. Only after this, we can proceed to the therapeutic effect on the psyche, that is, to therapeutic psychotherapy. At the stage of experimental psychotherapy, the psychotype of the patient, and the communication models in which the patient is implemented his psyche processes should be determined as accurately as possible. A mistake at the level of psychoanalysis can lead to undesirable and opposite results. It can transfer the stage of the disease to an even more acute one, for example. Or add new psyche injuries.

      The humble stage is already closer to the concept of treatment. But at this stage, the symptoms that will destroy any manifestations of GCM are removed. It is GCM that needs to be cured. And to do this, set the stage. Now imagine a popular situation. You came across an unscrupulous specialist who overslept all the lectures. And the parents bought him a diploma. Does it happen? Sure! To see more tag #psyfaculty (faculty of psychology) on Instagram. That complex of measures that will be taken in relation to the patient will have not a therapeutic, but a destructive effect on the psyche. We must somehow call this type of impact. We will not add new concepts, but rather expand the definition of psychotherapy, which was already expanded in the first book. A bit more. And the destructive effect on the psyche is called Destructive Psychotherapy (DP).

      Unfortunately, not only illiterate psychotherapists are engaged in destructive psychotherapy, but a large percentage of the population of planet Earth. It is very easy. To influence a weak or sick psyche in order to obtain a result, and in most developed countries it is not actually punished. Although most often a crime.

      A new definition of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a system of influence on the human psyche. Depending on the goals and types, it is subdivided into the following types: experimental, medical, strait, restorative, strengthening, erroneous, destructive, zero, preventive, delayed, remaining, intuitive, green. About each type in more detail. The first five types are available in the first book of the AHM series.

      Let us leave the concept of Nonviolent Psychotherapy in everyday life, but we understand that in extreme cases of psychotherapy there is also a psychophysical effect. The important point is that the main impact on the psyche must be non-violent and permanent. For example, a very common crime against children is an attempt to bring to suicide. In the corresponding article of Russian law, it is written in black and white that the offense is systematic humiliation of personal dignity. These humiliations may not be very serious, but because of the constancy, a destructive effect on the psyche of the child is achieved. As with arsenic poisoning. One or two doses will not change anything in health, and systematic poisoning leads to death. For such destructive psychotherapy, the concept of mental arsenic appeared – this is a systematic effect on the psyche with the humiliation of personal dignity, provoking symptoms of PPM, as well as systematic irritants.

      Erroneous psychotherapy or ENP AHM – the effectiveness of the impact on the psyche depends on the exact diagnosis. AF and DF have different symptoms, like fire and ice, for example. It is difficult even for professionals to accurately diagnose, because in real life time for observation is not always enough. You can mistakenly diagnose

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