Hard down! Hard down!. Captain Jack Isbester

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Hard down! Hard down! - Captain Jack Isbester

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New Zealand’s South Island for the better part of 50 years between 1860 and 1911. Like other miners who reached the area in the 1860s he had probably moved to the west coast from gold mining in Victoria in the 1850s and Otago in the early 1860s,14 having first reached Australia as a seaman. The evidence that he and his younger brother Henry spent their declining years and died on the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island is convincing, but there is evidence that he mined for gold in Australia from time to time as well. An item in a New Zealand newspaper describing gold mining in Red Rock, New South Wales, Australia, in 1887 contains an editor’s note reading ‘John Isbester, late of Kumara [a town on the New Zealand west coast], has a claim next to the aforementioned party’.15 In view of family tradition it is likely that he had several spells of mining in Australia and was mining in New South Wales in 1876 when my grandfather was there aboard North Riding, as well as in 1887. Sydney would be the natural place for a gold miner to go for a break or when travelling to or from New Zealand.

      During the five weeks that North Riding remained in Sydney there would have been plenty of time for the Shetland network – the informal contacts between people of Shetland origin throughout the world – to bring news of family and friends both near and far. Meeting other Shetland folk in far parts of the world was not at all unusual, but was certainly a matter of interest. A number of encounters of this sort are described in my grandfather’s correspondence from his later years. It is tantalising to reflect that we will never know what passed between my goldmining great-grandfather in his fifties and his 25-year-old son, an able seaman with his future before him when they met for the first time. Did my great-grandfather leave Shetland unaware that he was to become a father and only learn the truth years later? Did he intend to return? And if so, was he prevented by some difficulty, or did he decide that Sarah Anderson was not the woman for him?

      After doing ample justice to the good things provided the toast of The King was duly honoured. [Officers were elected] and the health of Mr Russell the newly-elected president was drunk. The chairman proposed the toast of West Coast and West Coasters and was ably responded to by Messrs J. Keating, J. Jackson and J. Kerr, who paid a high tribute to the pioneer work done by the early arrivals on the Coast. The toast of Departed West Coasters was drunk in silence.

      Mr E. Sheedy proposed the toast of Old Sports and held that the West Coast had turned out some excellent athletes. The toast was ably responded to by Messrs D. McKay, J. Evans, L. Broad and C. North. Mr Ashton proposed the toast of Commercial and Professional Interests and [it was] responded to by Messrs Joyce, Kerr and Cunliffe.

      Mr Joyce proposed the toast of the Pioneers of the West Coast, those who made our roads and developed our district. Messrs Splaine, Hinkley and Isbester responded.

      Several other appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to and an excellent musical programme rendered. The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought a most successful re-union to a close.

      By then my great-grandfather was a man of 84. It sounds like a good party!

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