Behavior:The Forgotten Curriculum. Chris Weber

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Behavior:The Forgotten Curriculum - Chris Weber

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as continuous and intelligence as malleable • Self-monitoring and internal locus of control (External loci of control)—Ability to plan, prepare, and proceed • Engagement and motivation (Apathy)—Ability to maintain interest and drive • Strategy creation and use (Passive learning)—Techniques for construction, organization, and memorization of knowledge • Volition and perseverance (Learned helplessness)—Efforts students need to maintain their motivation • Resilience (Emotional fragility)—Techniques for regulating response to situations Twenty-First Century Skills These skills mean students know how to: • Access and evaluate information • Adapt to change • Apply technology • Be flexible • Be responsible to others • Collaborate with others in diverse teams • Communicate clearly • Create media products • Guide and lead others • Innovate • Manage projects, goals, and time • Problem solve • Produce results • Reason effectively • Self-direct learning • Think creatively • Think critically • Think systematically • Use and manage information • Work independently College-and Career-Readiness Skills • Manage effort and time • Monitor progress and confirm precision of work • Organize and construct products in various forms • Persist • Practice self-awareness • Read strategically • Reflect on reasons of success or failure • Seek help and self-advocate • Self-monitor and self-motivate • Set goals • Understand academic expectations for college admission • Understand financial aid options and procedures • Value knowledge Self-Regulation • Plan, including– • Goal setting • Strategic thinking • Manage their time • Monitor– • Self-motivation • Delaying gratification • Attention control • Reflect, including– • Self-advocating • Self-evaluation • Self-assessment Executive Functioning Executive functioning means: • Setting goals and establishing a due date • Planning, prioritizing, and sequencing the steps or tasks needed to reach the goal • Identifying necessary information, materials, or both • Obtaining and organizing the information, materials needed to complete the goal, or both • Beginning the task • Persevering through distractions and delaying gratification • Establishing a reasonable work rate so that the goal is met by the due date • Shifting from one task to another smoothly • Responding to, and incorporating, feedback • Assessing performance and progress toward the goal • Controlling emotional responses to difficult situations • Seeing tasks through to completion Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies From CASEL CASEL lists social-emotional learning competencies as: • Self-awareness—The ability, within oneself, to recognize how emotions influence behavior; assess strengths and limitations with healthy self-efficacy, optimism, and a growth mindset; and identify emotions • Self-management—The ability, within oneself, to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors; manage stress; control impulses; be motivated; set goals; and organize • Social awareness—The ability to empathize with and respect others; understand norms for behavior; and recognize family, school, and community resources and supports • Relationship management—The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships; communicate clearly; listen well; cooperate with others; resist inappropriate social pressure; negotiate conflict constructively; and seek and offer help • Responsible decision making—The ability to make choices about behaviors based on ethics, safety, and social norms; evaluate consequences of actions; respect the well-being of oneself and others; identify problems; analyze situations; solve problems; and reflect on and learn from experiences Learning and Life Strategies Conscientiousness • Reasoning • Empathy • Attention • Awareness of social situations Optimism • Belief in oneself • Self-monitoring and self-motivating • Growth mindset and positive self-concept Metacognition • Problem solving • Thinking creatively and critically • Analyzing and evaluating findings and viewpoints Motivation and volition • Managing projects, goals, and time • Thinking systematically • Employing memorization techniques, study skills, technology skills, and problem-solving strategies • Monitoring progress and confirming the precision of work • Setting short-term and long-term goals • Creating and using strategies Perseverance • Practicing self-directed learning • Working independently • Managing effort, time, and materials Relationships • Collaborating responsibly with others in diverse teams • Communicating clearly and persuasively • Guiding and leading others • Managing relationships • Being aware of emotions • Making responsible decisions Resilience • Adaptability to change • Flexibility • Persistence Self-advocacy • Focusing on an interest or career pathway or major • Being self-aware • Reflecting on reasons of success or failure and seeking help • Communicating in written, verbal, and social ways Examples of School or Agency’s Lists of Behavioral Skills Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP): • Grit • Self-control • Zest • Social intelligence • Gratitude • Optimism • Curiosity Character Counts!: • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship Scholarly Attributes: • Respect yourself and others • Make good decisions • Solve your own problems Three Rs:Respect • Responsibility • Readiness Three Ss:Strategy • Self-efficacy • Self-starting REAL:Respect • Effort • Attitude • Leadership Three Ms:Motivation • Metacognition • Monitoring MOP:Motivation • Organization • Perseverance PRIDE:Positive • Responsible • Integrity • Dependable • Engage


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