Underground Passages. Jesse Cohn

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Underground Passages - Jesse Cohn

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am not sanguine enough to hope that my readers will be as numerous as those who have heard me. But I prefer to reach the few who really want to learn, rather than the many who come to be amused.75

      Goldman was not alone in this conception of the possibilities of writing. A writer for Barcelona’s Tierra Libre, for example, argues that anarchist newspapers are “the strongest, most universal, most effective action for propaganda” precisely because of this “intimate” quality:

      In his famous study, The Lonely Voice, Frank O’Connor divorces the modern fiction of Maupassant, Hemingway, and Joyce from its folkloric antecedent, the oral tale. Where the folktale was told in the presence of hearers with a shared experience, within a community,

      Almost from its beginnings the short story, like the novel, abandoned the devices of a public art in which the storyteller assumed the mass assent of an audience to his wildest improvisations—“and a queer thing happened him late one night.” It began, and continues to function, as a private art intended to satisfy the standards of the individual, solitary, critical reader.

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