Overcoming Shock. Diane Zimberoff

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Overcoming Shock - Diane Zimberoff

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awareness narrowed down to the immediate task at hand. There is always another task just at the point of crashing, demanding attention. It is never-ending and soon becomes exhausting.


      These are unsavory characters who do the grunt work. They are the only truly essential ones in the fantasy because they hold it all together. They build the fantasy, day in and day out, providing the structure for the illusion. They are hard workers…but only until payday. In other words, until they get their short-term desires met. Then it may be time to go out and “celebrate.” They can’t understand why anyone feels betrayed when they do, because that was the only motivation for doing the hard work in the first place. The irony is that everyone needs to depend on them for the existence of the structure and yet they are truly undependable.


      The Business Manager is busy in his separate office, counting the money and disconnected from the goings-on all around him. His only connection with the others in the circus family is to pay them off. He has a vital role, but manages to accomplish it while remaining detached. The office is an effective place to hide from involvement with others and to receive social rewards for doing so. He can hold himself as superior to the Ringmaster, above the high drama and dazzling spectacle, while capable of just as much multitasking.


      As we have said, a minor split of the soul from the ego may create a shadow in which a powerful archetype may begin to influence the ego, allowing it to act in ways that the soul would not normally direct it to. At that level, however, the soul is still present, and the shadow is consciously recognized by the ego. With deeper trauma, the split is more divisive; the soul has fled further away, and the archetype takes substantial control of the ego in a mutual agreement for safety. In the case of shock, the soul has truly “left the building” or split from an aspect of the ego, and the archetype takes control to the point of altering physiology.

      We emphasize the point that as part of the ego splits from the true self, it doesn’t just disappear. In its arrangement with one or more archetypes from the collective unconscious, it forms a primitively organized alternative self that has its own identity. When this happens, the soul has effectively gone into hiding, and we use another analogy for this called the “witness protection program.”

      We use this term because, in a traditional witness protection program, one who is under some kind of threat finds protection by not only relocating, but also by assuming a new identity. Without a new identity, the new location doesn’t help, because you might still be found. So in the case of trauma, you may relocate by leaving the body, in a sense, or dissociating. You separate the conscious connection with the body, with relationships, even with your own spiritual identity. And so you relocate and create that new identity.

      In the witness protection program, you have to get rid of any similarities to your old life to make sure you cannot be found, and this includes the things you used to do. Your work, for example. Prior to trauma you may act in a certain way; but once traumatized, there is a need for protection and a need to act in different ways, to become something you weren’t before.

      Maybe, for instance, you had to become really, really good. By this we mean being extraordinarily obedient, doing everything you’re told right away. In fact, you don’t even have to be asked—you anticipate the needs of those you perceive to be a threat (whether this is true or not, it’s your perception that counts). You become hyper-vigilant, tuned in to abusers or other threats in order to proactively minimize pain or danger.

      You can see this in the example of a young child. When a child is three years old, undisturbed by trauma, they’ll tell you who they are. They have a very good sense of this. They know who they are, what they like and don’t like, who they like and don’t like, their favorite colors and music and so on. They know themselves. But once they go into this witness protection program, they have to change all that, because they are now so vigilant about what is being demanded of them by a potential threat and they need to become whatever it is that will minimize the danger.

      Maybe Mom rejects me and I feel unloved if she doesn’t have all her needs met, so I become a caretaker to satisfy all her needs and to make sure I am loved. Or maybe I am told that I am bad and this is why I’m being abused, and I believe this, because I’m being told this by my caretakers, these adults who have tremendous power and credibility. I start to act according to this new identity that’s been handed to me.

      It’s important to remember, as we continue through this book together, that there is no fine line separating trauma from shock, although there are several elements we can look at that distinguish them from one another. Ultimately, what’s important in therapy is that the two need to be treated differently, for shock involves a greater separation between life essence or soul and the ego itself and for this, a different therapeutic approach is required.


      Remembering that the shift between what we’re calling trauma and shock occurs on a continuum, rather than at one defined point, and that symptoms of shock may develop differently for different people as they enter deeper levels of trauma, here are some of the distinguishing factors that help us understand the progress from trauma to shock:


      As we continue along the continuum of trauma to shock and then beyond, we reach additional conditions such as borderline personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder (DID, better known as multiple personality disorder), associative identity disorder and so on. Each is a little bit further into the witness protection program: relocation, dissociation and re-identification. “I’m somebody other than who I started out being.” Regulation of affected impulses has to do with self-destructiveness, so the further we go into shock, the more this will manifest.


      This has to do with the degree of dissociation, which sometimes incorporates amnesia. This includes the part of me that registers memory, so now those memories are stored in my body, because my body was here during the trauma but the rest of me was not. This is why portions of therapy involve bodywork, and why people often recover lost memories through this kind of therapy.


      The deeper we go into shock, the more likely we are to identify with guilt or shame surrounding the traumatic experience, even thinking we are the cause of it. Often we give a client a teddy bear or some symbol of his or her own inner child, and ask that the client tell the child (his or herself as a child) how much he or she is loved, how beautiful and innocent he or she is. In most cases this is a powerful healing experience. But sometimes we find that a client pushes the teddy bear away, saying, “I don’t want to have anything to do with her. She is dirty, she is stupid and I hate her.” That’s an indication of how deeply embedded that individual’s sense of responsibility is for what happened to her. She is blaming herself for what happened to her as a child. We can use this technique over time as a measure of recovery, as she is able to slowly embrace that little girl instead of judging and rejecting her.



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