What Artists Do. Leonard Koren

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What Artists Do - Leonard Koren

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—Sol LeWitt, artist


      Artists are cognitively grounded in the aesthetic. That

       is, they are aware of, and think about, the sensory and

       emotive qualities of phenomena and things. Absolutely

       anything can be the object of aesthetic consideration,

       even things that don’t seem in the least bit sensuous,

       like a series of random numbers or an abstract idea.

      Every artist formulates their own problems to solve

       and sets their own criteria for success.

      Artists do myriad things. Six of these things are

       discussed on the following pages. This limited (and

       arbitrary) sampling is intended to emphasize how, in

       totality, the work of artists has a substance, spirit, and

       methodology different from that found in most other

       types of work. Highlights from the lives of seminal

       20th-century artists are used to illustrate these six



      All of the artists featured in these vignettes, with at

       least one notable exception, make visual art with a

       pronounced conceptual bias. In other words, they are

       just as—or more—concerned with the ideas and

       concepts on which their artwork is based as they are

       with its physical expression. These artists, and the

       inspirational and influential artworks they produced,

       represent only a narrow spectrum of artist types and

       artistic media. They are, nevertheless, meant to serve

       as rough proxies for the contemporary artist archetype

       and for all works of art in all media.


      “The process of painting is a series of moral decisions

       about the aesthetic.”

       —Louise Nevelson, artist


      1. Determine what art is

      Almost everyone agrees that artists make art, but few

       people agree on what, exactly, art is. Art continually

       appears in new and previously unimagined guises. The

       art of today may bear little resemblance to the art of

       the past. As a consequence, “art” is a word that is often

       intentionally left undefined.

      How then, or rather who, determines what art is and

       isn’t? For instance, who decides what is exhibited in art

       museums and art galleries? In effect it is those who

       make the art, i.e., artists.3 With every new artwork, an artist brings a new manifestation of art into existence. However, if this new manifestation deviates too far from previous ones, there may be a problem. The artist then has to persuade others that what they have brought into existence is, indeed, art. One artist who expertly did this—got others to buy into his unusual conception of art—was Marcel Duchamp (1887–1969).


      “. . . art may be bad, good, or indifferent, but,

       whatever adjective is used, we must call it art,

       and bad art is still art in the same way as

       a bad emotion is still an emotion.”

       —Marcel Duchamp, artist


      “The reality in an artist’s existence is to

       question answers.”

       —Lawrence Weiner, artist


      Duchamp was born and raised in France. In 1915, in his

       late twenties, he came to live in New York. Duchamp

       made a number of noteworthy paintings and sculp-

       tures, but his major preoccupation was making art that

       questioned the philosophical premises of the domain

       of art itself. Duchamp asked through his art: Do artists

       really have to fabricate art artifacts with their own

       hands? Are certain materials more suitable than others

       for making art? What makes an artwork different from

       those things that look similar but are not works of art?

       And what, really, is art?

      During his first decade in the United States, Duchamp

       worked diligently on what he hoped would be his

       masterpiece, an artwork that incorporated elements of

       painting, sculpture, and collage. It was constructed out

       of varnish, oil paint, lead film, dust, cracked glass, and

       aluminum foil―and was altogether encased in a wood


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