Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity. Bobby Parrish

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Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity - Bobby Parrish

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cup plus 2 tablespoons chia seeds


      Cooked eggs will only last for three days in the fridge, which is why the sandwich portion of this recipe makes three servings. You may want to double it and keep some in the freezer or make more eggs later in the week.


      For best results, allow the chia seed pudding to rest overnight in the fridge so it can really set up.

      To watch the video tutorial for this recipe, search “FlavCity sausage breakfast sandwich” on YouTube.

      For the biscuits:

      -2 cups almond flour

      -2 teaspoons baking powder

      -½ teaspoon garlic powder

      -½ teaspoon onion powder

      -2 eggs, beaten

      -½ cup melted butter

      -Kosher salt and fresh pepper

      For the sandwich:

      -5 eggs

      -3 chicken sausage links, about 3.5 ounces each

      -¼ cup grated sharp cheddar cheese

      -2 ice cubes

      -Avocado oil

      -Kosher salt and fresh pepper

      Make the chia pudding by combining everything but the chia seeds and stevia in a bowl and whisking well. Taste the liquid and add enough stevia drops to taste. Add the chia seeds, a little at a time, and whisk very well. Let the pudding sit 10 minutes and then whisk it very well. Repeat this process one more time then move the pudding to the fridge to set up overnight. The next day it will be thick and have the consistency of pudding. Pudding can stay in the fridge for five to seven days.

      For the biscuits, preheat oven to 350°F. In a large bowl, sift in 2 cups of almond flour. If you don’t have a sifter, make sure there are no large clumps of flour. Add baking powder, ½ teaspoon salt, some pepper, onion and garlic powder, and mix well. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs and add the melted butter and mix well. Pour the wet batter over the dry batter and use a spatula to mix well.

      Line a sheet tray with parchment paper or tin foil and fill a ¼ cup measuring cup about 80 percent full of dough. Use your hands to form the biscuit to 2.5 inches in diameter and place on the sheet tray. You want all the biscuits to be the same size; they will spread out a bit while baking. Crack a little black pepper over the top of the biscuits and bake for 15–16 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and let cool completely. This recipe makes 8 biscuits.

      To make the eggs that go on top of the sandwich, preheat oven to 400°F. Crack 5 eggs in a large bowl and whisk vigorously for 30 seconds until light and airy. Add ¼ teaspoon of kosher salt and a couple cracks of pepper, and whisk a few more times. Preheat an eight- or nine-inch non-stick pan over medium heat with 1 teaspoon of oil and add the eggs. Use a spatula to continuously stir the eggs, and, once they start to set a little, transfer the pan to the oven and bake for 7–8 minutes. Remove from oven and use a spatula to transfer the entire egg disk to a plate or cutting surface. Use a drinking glass or ring mold to cut out circles that roughly match the size of the biscuits. Set aside.

      Make the sausage patties: Cut the chicken sausages out of their casings and form them into patties slightly wider than the biscuit. To make uniform patties, I like to cover a large mayo or peanut butter lid with plastic wrap and push the sausage down into the mold. Then pull the plastic wrap and meat out of the lid and finish forming the patty. Preheat a pan (preferably cast-iron) just below medium-high heat for 2 minutes with 2 teaspoons of oil. Add the patties and cook for 3–4 minutes on the first side, or until a nice brown crust forms, and then flip and lower the heat to medium. Add an equal amount of cheese on top of each patty, place 2 ice cubes in the pan, and immediately put a lid on the pan or cover it with a sheet tray. The ice will help the cheese melt evenly. Cook another 3 minutes and then remove the chicken patties from the pan.

      Assemble the sandwich by placing a sausage patty and an egg disk on a biscuit. Use another biscuit for the top bun. Enjoy!

      Storage and reheating: The chia seed pudding will last for five to seven days in the fridge but can’t be frozen. Keep the biscuits in an airtight container in the fridge. The sausage patties will last for five days in the fridge; the eggs will only last for three days. Both can be frozen for two to three months. Reheat the sausage patty in a 350°F oven for roughly 10 minutes or place a wet paper towel over a container and reheat in microwave.

      “I can go on and on about this recipe. It was so good. I made it this morning before work. Even though I used my grounded chicken breast, it came out delicious. I followed every step on YouTube. Thanks so much. I love you and your wife’s videos…” —Joy

      “This breakfast was OMG amazing! Even my non-keto family loved it. I love your recipes, tips, and humor. Thanks for helping me stay keto strong.” —JJZ

      “Soooooo this breakfast biscuit just saved my life! Thank you because it’s been so hard to get my boyfriend to commit to keto, but he actually loves the way almond flour tastes! We even made slightly bigger biscuits and made little prep pizzas. They freeze well too. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” —Breona

      Prep Time: 5 minutes • Cooking Time: 1 minute • Makes: 1 cup of coffee

       Mocha Butter Coffee

      You know those days when you’re feeling naughty and want one of those six-dollar Starbucks drinks to satisfy the craving? Make this instead. It’s cheaper and is actually good for you, unlike those drinks that are actually a dessert in a cup.

      To watch the video tutorial for this recipe, search “FlavCity butter coffee” on YouTube.


      -1 cup of hot coffee

      -½ tablespoon organic virgin coconut oil

      -½ tablespoon grass-fed unsalted butter

      -2 teaspoons cocoa powder, sugar free

      -4–5 drops liquid stevia

      -1–2 tablespoons coconut cream or heavy cream


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