The High School Survival Guide. Jessica Holsman

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The High School Survival Guide - Jessica Holsman

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and unconditional support systems; encouraging each other when those major assignments and exams rolled around, studying together and sharing our methods and tricks. I soon learned that there were more ways to study than I had realized and that by incorporating different learning techniques that I actually enjoyed into my study sessions, the time that I spent studying became more effective, productive and yielded greater results. I stopped re-writing essays ten times in order to memorize them and instead, started reaching for bright colored markers and covering sheets of cardboard with illustrations that resembled key points, ideas and themes – even if they did look like meaningless or bizarre images to anyone else!

      After completing my undergraduate degree, I decided to enroll in the postgraduate diploma of psychology course at Deakin University. Although only a one-year course, it felt as though I learned more in that one year than in any other throughout my education. I left with nothing but positive memories and my learning experience was enriched beyond my expectations. I graduated with honors and despite my ongoing efforts throughout the year, I couldn’t help but feel surprised and thrilled with such an outcome! Between my friends, the lecturers, tutors and my supervisors, I couldn’t have felt more supported either. There is no doubt in my mind that it was their collective effort to assist me, coupled with their evident passion for education that continued to ignite my love for learning.

      Looking back at the age of twenty-five as a university graduate, I wish I could have told my younger self what I know now. It certainly would have saved me a lot of anxiety and stress in my final years of school! At times, I feel as though my perfectionist traits and undue pressure that I placed on myself robbed me of fully enjoying what is meant to be some of the most exciting years of our lives. This realization is none other than what drove me to start my YouTube channel Study With Jess shortly after I graduated. I never expected that my love for learning would take me down such an interesting and exciting pathway in life, and while it started as a way for me to creatively share my knowledge and put my study skills to good use, it became so much more in such a short time. I remember the first email I received from a viewer and reading about how my videos had helped get her through what she described as a challenging time in her life. That I was inspiring and motivating students to study, empowering them, and helping them look towards their future, that was all I needed to know. That I had truly found my life’s purpose. Even though I don’t believe that my future holds a career in psychology anymore, I know that the life lessons and skills I learned throughout school and university are what brought me to this point in my life. Who would have thought that I would go from being a ‘future psychologist’ to YouTuber, entrepreneur and now published author’ in such a short time frame!

      A lot has certainly changed since my high school days; my career choice, my skill set and my perception of my studies, however much of the same challenges, worries and concerns of students entering their final years of school still remain.

      It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on grades; forgetting why you are studying in the first place and what it is that you aim to get out of your time at school. Don’t forget, your experience at school and your education are a privilege and your opportunity to not only expand your knowledge and skill-set, but also grow as an individual. Of course your grades are important, however getting good grades does not need to come at the expense of your own health and social life. You can excel in school academically and thrive as an individual as well!

      Now ask yourself:

      ‘Do I want to improve my grades?’

      ‘Am I ready to enhance my study skills?’

      ‘Am I ready to have an amazing time in high school?’

      If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions then I strongly encourage you to keep reading! All of my secrets for enjoying high school and excelling academically can be found here in this book! I’ve made it my mission to help students around the world discover their love for learning, to feel motivated and inspired to get their work done and to maximize their full potential. Whilst I can’t be physically present to answer all of your questions in person, this is my way of being there to support and guide you through this exciting new stage in your life. This is my high school survival guide. xo

      As a student, I always used to look forward to going back to school. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed my holidays and having the chance to catch up with all of my family and friends was always at the top of my list! In fact, those six weeks of holidays at the end of the school year never felt like they were long enough and for some reason, the final few weeks seemed to fly by. Despite my efforts, there was no way of making time slow down so that I could enjoy just one more sleepover, pool party or beach day with my closest friends.

      There was one thing however, that always seemed to get me excited about going back to school. You guessed it – shopping for brand new school supplies! I remember walking down the stationery isles, pushing my trolley and being on high alert for new pens, notebooks and folders that were sporting the latest trends for the year. With every few meters that my trolley and I would cover, I would excitedly point and gesture to my mother to come and see what I had found. Notebooks were not pieces of lined pages bound together – at least, to me they weren’t. They were blank canvases, ready to be colored with my knowledge. Highlighters – my paintbrushes, transforming my notes into pieces of art and pens and pencils – tools for transcribing my thoughts and organizing all of the questions that came with each new lesson throughout the year. Once home from my shopping adventure, I would tip open my bags, spread everything across the living room floor and inspect my newly made purchases. Then, I would spend the following few days deliberating which designs, photos and wrapping paper I should use to cover all of my binders and exercise books, before attempting the challenge of laminating them. Much to my parents’ dismay, the living room floor would temporarily be transformed into my and my older sister’s art space, as we cut, glued and colored in preparation for the new school year.

      While a lot has changed since my days of school supplies shopping, my love for stationery has remained. I love how a new folder or a set of pencils can help someone look forward to a new school year, give them the motivation to pay just that little bit more attention in class, and take pride in getting their work done!

      When it comes to getting ready for a new school year, having the right textbooks and stationery for class should be first on your list of to-do’s. Make sure to access your book list well in advance to ensure you have all of your necessary books in time for class. As for the rest of your supplies, consider making a checklist so that you can go into stores with a plan of attack and feel confident that you have remembered to purchase all of your must-have items for the new school year. Speaking from experience, it can also be easy for that small list of items in your head to gradually expand as you stroll down the stationery and work organization isles. In just a few minutes, your trolley goes from being comfortably full, to looking more and more like a clearance bin, with every kind of pen, pencil, eraser and folder somehow being justified as a necessity for having a successful school year! One piece of advice when trying not to overfill your trolley with excessive items is to first go through your existing supplies and make a note of anything that is still in good condition and that you could take through with you into the new school year. Perhaps your folders are still in good condition or your packet of highlighters has a few hundred pages of color-coding left in them? Even if there are only a few items that don’t need replacing, not having to buy more of these will save you money!

      If you are trying to stick to a budget then here are three easy ways to save:


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