Healing Your Hungry Heart. Joanna Poppink

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Healing Your Hungry Heart - Joanna Poppink

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">CHAPTER 8 Contemplations on Eating a Meal

      CHAPTER 9 Spiritual Depth

      CHAPTER 10 The Great Terror

      CHAPTER 11 Recovery Check-In

      CHAPTER 12 Sex, Stalking, and Exploitation

      CHAPTER 13 Family

      CHAPTER 14 Triggers as Teachers: Staying on Your Recovery Path

      APPENDIX A Affirmations

      APPENDIX B Additional Exercises and Activities for All Chapters

      APPENDIX C Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions

      APPENDIX D Recovery Journal Prompts

      APPENDIX E How to Find More Help

       Recommended Readings and References


      Thank you to my editors, Amber Guetebier and Sandy Doell, for your support, life experience, caring, and expertise; Kevin Bellows, friend and editor; Jeanne Rust, for listening to my struggles and being a constant source of love and support.

      Thank you Jennifer Armstrong, my technology guru, who freed me from communication complexities by simplifying my computer processing.

      Thank you members of IWOSC (Independent Writers of Southern California), particularly Alice Romano and Melanie Chartoff and the UCLA Writers Program for sharing your expertise and encouragement.

      Thank you to every patient I've ever worked with for your courage, wisdom, and trust as you shared your journey to recovery with me.

      Thank you to my great friends and teachers—especially Lars and Ingeborg Lofgren and Hedda Bolgar—for your words of wisdom ringing and whispering in my mind. Your guidance in my own recovery path was always mixed with love.

      Thank you to my daughter, Deborah, and my son-in-law, David, for your steadfast confidence that I would succeed. And thanks to my terrier, Winston, who is always ready to take a walk when I need a break from writing.

      Most of all, I acknowledge and am grateful to my two granddaughters who, at the time of this writing, are three and five years old; Hannah Jane Rainbow and Delilah Noel Starfish. You continually gave me your uninhibited love, support, and inspiration—plus encouraging art work. You inspired me and provided constant examples of the healthy, creative, and joyous feminine life spirit that needs to be fostered, cherished, and respected by us all.

      Dedicated to the spirit of life,

      joy, and wisdom in all women.

      Author's Note

      The perspective and suggestions shared in this book are not a substitute for medical advice. If you think you have an eating disorder, please contact your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional very soon to discuss the emotions and behaviors that trouble you.

      CHAPTER 1

      Unreal to Real: Snapshots of My Story

       “Self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening.”

      —George Gurdjieff

      I started making myself throw up when I was thirteen years old and didn't stop for thirty years. I hope that the snapshots of my story and other women's stories in this book, coupled with my own healing and recovery work with women for over twenty-five years, can help you find your personal path to recovery. Within the pages of these shared experiences, please look for what touches your heart, your memories, and your fears. If one story or one exercise delivers sudden understanding or amazement (because you didn't know anyone else behaved like that), you have found your entry into your recovery path. I hope this book supports and sustains you on that path to freedom. It can be done. I was bulimic for over twenty-nine years. I've been in recovery for twenty-six years. I've seen and been part of the recovery of many women along the way.

      My bulimia story began one summer in New York when I was thirteen years old. I was vacationing at a Catskill Mountains resort with my parents. Guests could order any amount of any food from the dining room menu. I remember men smiling at me and an older woman saying, “Isn't it wonderful how you can eat all those desserts and remain so slim?”

      I ordered and ate a sample of all the desserts at every meal. I knew I couldn't get fat because my mother wanted me to win the hotel beauty contest. I didn't want to lose the attention I was getting for my miraculous ability to eat so much, and I knew I had to please my mother by making a good show in the contest.

      One night I discovered a secret trick. I could eat heaps of chocolate rugula and tiny creamy pecan pies, and then make myself throw up. Presto! I kept the attention and got rid of the calories. I was elated. I had found the solution to my problem.

      The day of the beauty contest arrived, and I felt like a robot going through the motions. When I was on the platform in front of the hotel guests, wearing my white bathing suit, fishnet stockings, and black high heels, I was terrified and felt fat and ugly. Yet against adult women, I won.

      I didn't give up my miracle trick after the contest and vacation were over. I continued eating and vomiting all through high school. Except it wasn't a miracle trick anymore; it was something I had to do. It became a shameful secret. I became surreptitious to avoid discovery as I binged and purged.

      At first I relied on food at home. I prowled through the refrigerator and ate from leftover containers. I disguised the remains of my secret foraging—leftover stews and pastas were best for this. The uneven and chunky contents didn't show marks of my spoon, the way a slice out of a cake might.

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