Key to Al 'Imran. Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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Key to Al 'Imran - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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      Key to Āl‘Imrān

       Resurgence of the Ummah



       Published by


      Markfield Conference Centre

      Ratby Lane, Markfield

      Leicester LE67 9SY, United Kingdom

      Tel: 01530 244944/5, Fax: 01530 244946

      E-mail: [email protected]


      Quran House, P.O. Box 30611, Nairobi, Kenya

      P.M.B. 3193, Kano, Nigeria

      Copyright © The Islamic Foundation, 2002/1422 H

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

       British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

      A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

      Siddiqui, A. R. (Abdur Rashid), 1932–

      Key to Āl ‘Imrān: Resurgence of the Ummah

      (Treasures of the Qur’ān Series)

      1. Koran 2. Ummah (Islam)

      I. Title II. Islamic Foundation

      297. 1’226

      ISBN 0 86037 386 X

      Typeset by: N.A. Qaddoura

      Cover design by: Nasir Cadir

      In Precious Memory of

      Our Dearest Brother Khurram Murad

      A Trustworthy Guide and Mentor Whose Absence is

      Keenly Felt. May Allah Bless His Soul. Āmīn.

       Transliteration Table

       Consonants. Arabic

      initial: unexpressed medial and final:


      Vowels, diphthongs, etc.

      Short: images a images i images u

      long: images a images u images i

      diphthongs: images aw

      images ay





       Sūrah Āl ‘Imrān

       The Placement of Āl ‘Imrān

       A Comparison of al-Baqarah and Āl ‘Imrān

       The Personality of a Sūrah

       The Central Theme of Āl ‘Imrān

       The Structure of Āl ‘Imrān

       Section 1 Verses 1-32: The Basics of Divine Guidance

       Section 2 Verses 33-63: The Family of ‘Imrān chosen by Allah to serve His Cause

       Section 3 Verses 64-120: Da‘wah to the Jews and Christians and their Intransigence; the Mission of the Muslim Ummah

       Section 4 Verses 121-189: A Critique of the Battle of Uḥud and Guidance for Future Strategy

       Section 5 Verses 190-200: Conclusion: Moral and Spiritual Resources

       Some Major Themes

       Purity of the Heart

       Worldly Allurements

       The Qur’ānic Concept of Dynamics of Power and Change

       The Obligation of Da‘wah

       Relations with the Jews and Christians

       The Law of Tests and Trials

       Shūrā (Consultation)

       The Relevance of Āl ‘Imrān in Our Time

       Futher Reading


      IT IS INDEED a pleasure for us to bring out Key to Āl ‘Imrān: Resurgence of the Ummah in the Treasures of the Qur’ān Series and as a sequel to the author’s earlier work

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