Key to Al 'Imran. Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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Key to Al 'Imran - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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much of his time to the study of the Qur’ān and has worked closely with British Muslim youth as their mentor, largely succeeds in enabling readers to gain or renew their acquaintance with the message of the Qur’ān. Key to Āl ‘Imrān offers a conspectus of the major themes and brings out effectively and energetically the relevance of this Sūrah to our times. This goes a long way in kindling the spirit of assimilating the message of the Qur’ān. Its study of the Sūrah in terms of its sections affords a helpful overview of the whole Sūrah, which contributes to its better comprehension.

      Patterned after the late Brother Khurram Murad’s pioneering works in this genre, such as Way to the Qur’ān and Key to al-Baqarah: The Longest Surah of the Qur’an, Brother Siddiqui’s work aims at capturing the essence of the Sūrah, elucidates its main concerns and places the Sūrah in the overall context of the eternal guidance embodied in the Qur’ān. In so doing, Brother Siddiqui has painstakingly gleaned valuable material from authentic tafāsīr in Arabic and Urdu. Being familiar with the mindset and intellectual needs of English-speaking Muslims in the West, he has done a commendable job in drawing them closer to the Qur’ān, which alone ensures their success in both the worlds. There was a pressing need for producing such works on the Qur’ān in English, which could cater for Muslims in the West. It is heartening to note that Brother Siddiqui has responded positively to this need and produced this valuable work. Since its inception the Islamic Foundation has been engaged in bringing out works which may enable readers to gain a better, sharper understanding of things Islamic. The present work constitutes a substantial effort in this direction. I am sure this work will be read with much profit both by specialists and the general public alike.

      I take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues at the Foundation who have been associated with its production. May Allah reward the author and grant us the ability and strength to draw upon the invaluable guidance contained in the Qur’ān, which this work seeks to state clearly. (Āmīn)

Jumādā al-Thānī 1422 A.H. Dr. M. Manazir Ahsan
August 2001 Director General


      IN THE LAST year of his life (1996) our respected Brother Khurram Murad (may Allah have Mercy on him) published a booklet giving an overview of Sūrah al-Baqarah as well as its major themes. In his own words his sole aim was, “to make the message of the Qur’an, and its summons to live by it, reach the hearts and minds of readers” (p. 6.) His death so soon after its publication, deprived us of his so many talents and not least his ability to expound the message of the Glorious Qur’ān so as to penetrate the hearts of his listeners and readers.

      Still there is a need to continue the work to which he had devoted his life. One very important area was his love for and devotion to the Book of Allah. Although in his modest way he used to disclaim any pretence of deep knowledge and scholarship in this field, those who knew him and had the privilege of listening to his Dars-e-Qur’ān knew his erudite scholarship and deep insight into Qur’ānic knowledge. His book Way to the Qur’ān is immensely popular and has guided a great many young people to undertake Qur’ānic studies.

      I must admit that I am a novice in the field of Qur’ānic sciences. I am conscious of my lack of competence to undertake this task. Yet last year when I made a brief presentation, following the pattern of Brother Khurram Murad on Sūrah Āl ‘Imrān, I was persuaded by many well-wishers and friends to compile this booklet so as to continue the work of our learned friend and mentor.

      I have tried to follow Brother Khurram Murad’s methodology and pattern and attempted to present an overview of Sūrah Āl ‘Imrān. In this, I have tried to cover areas which were so dear to him. His purpose was to make the Holy Qur’ān accessible to the masses and facilitate its understanding. Thus making the Qur’ān relevant to our lives and the life of the Ummah so that we may receive guidance from this Divine source. For a proper understanding of the Qur’ān studying reliable tafāsīr (commentaries) and self-reflection are essential. Yet there is also a need to have clear perspectives of the sūrahs as well. Of course, some tafāsīr also provide this information. Usually, however, these are not expounded in great detail. Although there are voluminous Qur’ānic literatures available in the Arabic and Urdu languages, there is a paucity of reliable tafāsīr (commentaries) in English. Unfortunately, there are also only a few commentaries in English dealing with the aspect of the naẓm (internal arrangement) of the sūrahs. I have given a selection of commentaries that can be consulted for further study in the Bibliography. This compilation is for young men and women who ardently desire to understand the Qur’ān and want to live by it.

      I hope and pray that Allah (swt) may bless this humble effort and that it may inspire and stimulate interest in the study of the Holy Qur’ān in our younger generation.

17th Rabī ‘ al-Thānī 1422 Abdur Rashid Siddiqui
9th July 2001

       Sūrah Āl ‘Imrān

      SŪRAH ĀL ‘IMRĀN is the third sūrah following al-Fātiḥah and al-Baqarah. It is composed of 200 verses. Together with al-Baqarah these sūrahs form about one-eighth of the Holy Qur’ān. Āl ‘Imrān is not a continuous narration.

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