God’s First King. Shaul Bar

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God’s First King - Shaul Bar

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All these meetings result in marriages; but in this meeting, the girls direct Saul to Samuel, who would anoint Saul as king. The girls knew about the prophet’s arrival, where he was staying, and about the sacrifice. They were heralds who directed Saul to his destination. Similarly, when Joseph sought his brothers, he encountered a man in the field who had seen them and knew their final destination. In both episodes one senses God’s guiding hand, acting behind the scene and directing events. The sages point out that Saul asked the girls a brief question, “Is the seer here?” while the girls replied at length. The Gemara comments: “Because women are talkers, another answer: But Shmuel said: They delayed in order to gaze upon Saul’s handsomeness. As it is written about Saul: from his shoulders up, he was taller than any of the people.”44

      Saul did not anticipate the meeting, but Samuel knew about it in advance (9:15–16). God revealed Saul’s arrival to Samuel, and instructed him to anoint Saul. Likewise, in the New Testament, God told John the Baptist that Jesus is the Messiah and he will baptize him (John 1:29–34). Ironically, when Saul met Samuel, and he says “tell me” (haggidah-na), the reader already knows that Samuel has to designate him as nagid/king. Therefore, when Saul says to Samuel “tell me” (haggidah-na li), it might mean “designate me.”

      Saul’s Anointing


      Samuel anointed Saul, which consisted in rubbing or smearing with oil. This act, it was believed, transferred the sanctity of the national god to the king. Anointing symbolized a covenant between God and the king, indicating that God would protect the king, and it bestowed legitimacy.

      The sages believed that kings who formed a new dynasty, or renewed an interrupted dynasty, or kings with a disputed coronation, were anointed:

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