Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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href="#ulink_171d886e-c186-550e-9ce5-888d4d2c72e2">9. See Cross, “Yahweh and the God of the Patriarchs.”

      Scriptural Readings and Doxologies

      Select Psalms in Greek as Used by the Apostles

      Psalm 1

      1. Blessed the fellow who has not walked

       in the counsel of the wicked;

       nor loitered along the path of sinners;

       nor sat in the seat of the pestilent.

      2. But whose delight is in the law

       of the Lord;

       meditating on the law day and night.

      3. Such a person will be like a tree planted by babbling brooks,

      a tree which will yield its fruit

       in due season,

      and its leaves shall not wither and fall.

      Whatever that one does shall prosper.

      4. Not so the wicked, not so;

      rather they are like the chaff

      which the wind scatters

      from the face of the earth.

      5. Therefore the wicked shall not stand up in judgment,

      nor sinners in the counsel of the righteous.

      6. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous;

      but the way of the wicked shall perish.

      Psalm 2

      1. Why did the nations rage? And peoples imagine vain things?

      2. The kings of the earth rose up and the rulers assembled together,

      against the Lord and against his Anointed; saying:

      3. Let us break their bonds asunder and throw off from us their yoke.

      4. The one who dwells in the heavens shall laugh them to scorn;

      the Lord will treat them with derision.

      5. Then will he address them

       in his wrath,

      and cause them distress in his fury.

      6. But as for me, I was made king by him on Zion, his holy mountain,

      7. announcing the Lord’s decree—

       the Lord said to me:

      “You are my Son, today I have

       begotten you.

      8. Ask me, and I will bequeath you the nations as your inheritance,

      and the ends of the earth for your possession.

      9. You shall rule them with a rod of iron;

      you shall dash them in pieces as a potter’s jar.”

      10. Now therefore, O kings understand:

      be instructed all you who judge

       the earth.

      11. Serve the Lord with fear,

      and rejoice in him with trembling.

      12. Hold fast to instruction lest the Lord be angry,

      and you should fall away from the

       right path.

      Whenever his indignation is suddenly kindled,

      happy are all those who have trusted

       in him.

      Psalm 3

      1. O Lord, why have those who afflict me multiplied?

      Many rise up against me.

      2. Regarding my life, many say,

      “There is no deliverance for this one

       in God.”

      3. But you O Lord are my protector;

      my glory and the lifter of my head.

      4. I cried aloud to the Lord,

      and from the holy mountain he

       heard me.

      5. I laid down to rest and slept;

      then I awoke because the Lord

       protects me.

      6. I will not fear myriads of people;

      encircling round about to beset me.

      7. Arise O Lord; save me my God!

      You have smitten all who were my enemies without cause.

      You have broken the teeth of sinners.

      8. Deliverance belongs to the Lord!

      Let your blessing be upon your people.

      Psalm 4

      1. When I called out,

      my righteous God heard me.

      In the midst of distress you have given me space;

      be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

      2. O you children of earth, how long will your hearts be weighed down?


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