Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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do you love vanity, and seek after falsehood?

      3. Know that the Lord has worked marvels for his holy one;

      the Lord will hear me when I cry out

       to him.

      4. Be provoked to anger, but sin not.

      What you say in your hearts,

      feel compunction for upon your beds.

      5. Offer a sacrifice of righteousness,

      and trust in the Lord.

      6. Many say, “Who will show us

       good things?”

      The light of your countenance, O Lord, has been revealed to us.

      7. You have put gladness into my heart;

      they have been filled with an abundance of grain, wine, and oil.

      8. Now I will lie down in peace and truly sleep,

      for only you, O Lord, have caused me to dwell securely.

      Psalm 5

      1. Hearken to my words, O Lord;

      attend to my cry.

      2. Listen to the sound of my plea, my Sovereign and my God!

      For to you, O Lord, I will pray.

      3. In the morning you shall hear

       my voice;

      in the morning I will wait for you and raise my eyes.

      4. For you are not a God who desires iniquity;

      therefore the wicked shall not dwell with you.

      5. Nor shall the transgressors remain in your presence;

      You, O Lord, hate all who do evil.

      6. You will destroy all who lie;

      the Lord abhors the bloody and deceitful fellow.

      7. As for me, because of your abundant mercy I will enter your house;

      I will worship before your holy temple, in reverence of you.

      8. Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies;

      make my path straight before you.

      9. For there is no truth in their mouth;

      their heart is vain; their throat an

       open grave;

      with their tongues they have

       spoken deceit.

      10. Judge them, O God! Let them fall by their own devices;

      according to the multitude of their crimes cast them out;

      because they have provoked you,

       O Lord.

      11. But let all who trust in you, rejoice.

      They shall exult forever and you will dwell among them.

      All who love your name shall glory

       in you.

      12. For you, O Lord, will bless the righteous;

      You have bestowed us with an armor of favor.

      Psalm 6

      1. O Lord, rebuke me not in your wrath,

      nor reprove me in your anger.

      2. Pity me, O Lord, for I am weak.

      Heal me, O Lord, for I am troubled to my bones.

      3. My soul is vexed exceedingly;

      but O Lord, for how much longer?

      4. Return, O Lord, deliver my soul;

      save me for your mercy’s sake.

      5. For in death no one mentions you;

      in Hades who will give you thanks?

      6. I am weary with my groaning.

      Every night I bedew my bed

      and drench my couch with my tears.

      7. My sight is troubled because of

       my wrath;

      I am worn down in the midst of my enemies.

      8. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity,

      for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.

      9. The Lord has heard my supplication;

      the Lord has accepted my prayer.

      10. Let all my enemies be put to shame and greatly troubled.

      Let them be turned back and quickly put to shame.

      Psalm 7

      1. O Lord, my God, in you have I placed my trust.

      Save me from all my persecutors and deliver me,

      2. lest at any moment my enemy seize me like a lion,

      while there is no one to ransom me, none to save me.

      3. O Lord, my God, if I have done this—

      if there be iniquity on my hands;

      4. if I have requited with evil those who did me wrong;

      then let me fall empty-handed at my enemies’ hands.

      5. Let the enemy pursue my soul and take it;

      let him trample my life to the ground,

      and cause my honor to lay in the dust.

      6. Arise, O Lord, in your indignation.

      Be exalted to the boundaries of

       my enemies.

      Awake, O Lord my God, according to the judgment you decreed.

      7. And when the assembly

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