Peter and Paul in Acts: A Comparison of Their Ministries. David Spell

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Peter and Paul in Acts: A Comparison of Their Ministries - David Spell

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      In responding to Haenchen’s first point about Luke’s portrayal of Paul as a great miracle-worker, passages from two of Paul’s undisputed letters need to be examined. In Romans 15:18-20 Paul discusses what Christ has accomplished through him among the Gentiles. Paul referred to “the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit,” as being a major reason that so many people turned to God. Even though he does not provide a list of miracles that he performed, Paul is clearly referring to the miraculous aspects of his apostolic ministry. These miracles were catalysts that led people to faith, and also served to validate his apostleship. The focal point of Paul’s ministry was, “Jesus Christ and him crucified,” not the miracles that he performed in the course of his ministry.

      A second passage in which Paul himself mentions the miraculous in his ministry is 2 Corinthians 12:12 where he describes the signs that mark an apostle: “signs, wonders, and miracles.” He says that these, “were done among you with great perseverance.” He reminds the Corinthian believers that when he was with them, they saw the miraculous in Paul’s ministry. Even though Paul does not provide specifics, it is likely that this passage would have served as a reminder to those who read it of miracles that they had seen Paul perform.

      Even though Paul does not devote much space in his letters to discussing the miraculous aspects of his ministry, there is no reason to dismiss Luke’s portrayal of him as a miracle-worker. Paul’s purpose in his letters was to teach, correct, and exhort. He was not interested in boasting about his accomplishments. In alluding to miracles that he performed, Paul could remind his readers that the signs of an apostle were evident in him. Luke, however, was interested in showing the miraculous side of Paul’s ministry. It fit his purpose in Acts and he devoted a significant amount of space to providing examples of the miracles that Paul performed. While Paul did not feel comfortable “tooting his own horn,” Luke was happy to describe miracles that Paul performed in great detail.

      The last discrepancy that was mentioned

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