Peter and Paul in Acts: A Comparison of Their Ministries. David Spell

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Peter and Paul in Acts: A Comparison of Their Ministries - David Spell

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in Acts Luke portrays the Twelve in a significant position. In the very first chapter of Acts Luke outlines their unique requirements. They had to have been around Jesus and His followers from the beginning, from the time of John’s baptism until the time that Jesus was taken up. Obviously, Paul did not meet these requirements. Paul’s understanding of his own apostleship, however, was that he received it directly from Jesus when He appeared to him on the Damascus road. This special appearance of Jesus to Paul qualified him as an apostle. Paul understood that the Twelve was a unique group that he could never be a part of, but he saw himself as an apostle nonetheless. While Luke only refers to Paul as an apostle once in Acts (14:4), he nevertheless validates his apostolic ministry. Luke’s portrayal of Paul’s ministry parallels that of Peter’s in many ways. Paul is shown doing the same kinds of things that Peter does. Luke seems to be implying that Paul’s apostolic ministry was just as valid as that of the Twelve.


      As has been seen in this brief overview, scholars take a number of different views when it comes to the accuracy and historicity of Acts. The goal here has not been to conduct an in-depth study of the different viewpoints but to highlight the most prevalent ones. In examining many of the various views concerning the reliability of Acts, it has been noted that there are extreme differences of opinion over whether or not Luke’s work can be trusted.

      Literary Issues Concerning Acts


      There is no apparent reason why the early church should have chosen to ascribe the two longest books in the New Testament,

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