Beyond Me. Carroll E. Arkema

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Beyond Me - Carroll E. Arkema

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didn’t quite hear her,

      So I said, “Pardon?”

      Suddenly there was a smile;

      Self-recognition shone through her face

      As she repeated herself,

      With almost embarrassment,

      “I mosey, I’m a moseyer.”

      Sweet, endearing, openly twelve.

      Leaving Mom, needing Mom.

      Wholly without artifice,

      Pre-artifice, an intimate

      Glimpse into the heart of herself.

      It’s our first meeting;

      She’s felt safe enough to be without charm,

      To pull back the veil from her face,

      And grace me with

      A glimpse of her heart.

      We all three chuckle a little;

      We all feel full and aglow.

      Consciously aware that what just happened

      Was a connection we’ll remember forever.

      Something mysterious and amazing

      Goes on behind and through faces:

      They mask and conceal but can also reveal

      Multiple layers of one person’s being.

      We read that “the Lord used to speak to Moses

      “Moses didn’t know that the skin of his face shone

      The people were then afraid to come near him.

      But Moses reassured them with his voice,

      And put a veil on his face until he went in

      The power of deep human encounter

      Lies in its transparent revelation

      Of Divine Presence at the heart of us all,

      Which we long for yet can barely sustain.

      We approach each other with various rituals,

      And go about our respective daily lives,

      David, Goliath, and Psychotherapy

      Here’s one way that psychotherapy heals:

      The subtle nuances of what she reveals

      And, teaching me, sees herself more clearly.

      Sometimes I just don’t get it at first:

      The details of what she’s explaining to me.

      But that is actually not only all right:

      It sets the stage for the healing to be.

      Before each time she sees her mother,

      She is troubled by the ongoing fact

      That she inwardly prepares by arming herself

      To fend off mother’s critical attacks.

      Preparing for mother’s lobbed missiles

      Is actually great progress in fact.

      She’s come to realize it’s her mother who’s mean,

      Rather than believing she deserves the attack.

      It’s taken some years to establish this;

      To believe that they’re not a merged unit,

      That she will survive outside mother’s orbit,

      Even though mother will be importunate.

      It’s hard for her to believe this isn’t selfish

      (As her mother continues to aver)

      And that accepting her mother’s position

      Will actually be the living death of her.

      But she’s taken repeated little risks,

      Of standing in her own separate space,

      Instead of rebelling and protesting

      Which only keeps mother’s terms in place.

      She’s longed to get out of this cage,

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