The Perspective of Love. R. J. Snell

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The Perspective of Love - R. J. Snell

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“nature” for common sense 3 will be understood as body. This seems slightly counterintuitive, but as an example consider the way that the Platonic and Aristotelian version of “Form” is usually taught, with Plato’s “Form” expressed visually as “up there,” but Aristotle’s as “down here and in things.” Both express Form as invisible body, a common sense articulation, for body is understood by common sense as something which exists “already out there now real.”72 As “already,” a real body exists prior to and independent of our perception; as “out there,” not an idea but as possessing its own independent existence; as “now real,” possessing temporal distinctness as part of its independence.

      Common Sense Objectivity and Innateness

      I’ll save the question of the innateness of natural law for later, although clearly I doubt innateness as pictured by common sense. But this pattern of “in” and “out” pervades common sense 3, with natural law thought to reside in things, but by this they mean nature as the physical world. Natural law is modeled after the properties innate in physical reality, and natural law is the ordo naturae.

      Law in Nature, Enchanted or Disenchanted

      Concluding Thoughts

      I opened

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