Richard Titmuss. Stewart, John

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Richard Titmuss - Stewart, John

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Interpreting ‘The Troubles’

       Titmuss, Townsend, and ‘The Troubles’


      29‘A new prophet had appeared in our midst’: final illness, death, and memorial service



       Soldiering on

       Remembering Richard Titmuss

       Memorial service


       Part 6Conclusion

      30A commitment to welfare: the life and work of Richard Titmuss


       Life and career

       A ‘philosophy of welfare’?

       Titmuss in the twenty-first century

       ‘A way of looking at the world’

      Publications by Richard Titmuss cited in this volume

      Frequently cited secondary sources

       Archival sources



AMA American Medical Association
BLPES British Library of Political and Economic Science
BMJ British Medical Journal
BPP British Parliamentary Papers
BSA British Sociological Association
CBE Commander of the British Empire
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security
GP General Practitioner
IEA Institute of Economic Affairs
ISSA International Social Security Association
LCC London County Council
LSE London School of Economics and Political Science
LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MOH Medical Officer of Health
MP Member of Parliament
MRC Medical Research Council
NAB National Assistance Board
NAMH National Association for Mental Health
NEC Labour Party National Executive Committee
NHS National Health Service
PEP Political and Economic Planning
PIC Population Investigation Committee
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
SBC Supplementary Benefits Commission
SMA Socialist Medical Association
TUC Trades Union Congress
WEA Workers’ Educational Association
WVS Women’s Voluntary Services


      This book originated at a lunch at the London School of Economics in spring 2015, one of the (very) unexpected outcomes of which was that I was commissioned by LSE Health (now the Department of Health Policy), supported by the Brian Abel-Smith Foundation Fund, to write this biography, part of the series ‘LSE Pioneers of Social Policy’. The driving force behind this was Jane Lewis, then Professor of Social Policy at the School. The late Walter Holland became my principal LSE contact, and gave me much calm advice. Early on in my research I contacted Sally Sheard, biographer of Brian Abel-Smith. Sally gave me a number of invaluable pointers as to how to approach a project of this type as well as providing me with some of the key primary materials used here. Other material came from Nick Timmins, for which I am grateful.

      Titmuss’s daughter, Ann Oakley, kindly allowed me access to papers of her father which she still holds, and to her family photograph album. She was an endless supply of information, and a congenial companion over post-research glasses of wine. In a more formal sense, I also interviewed Ann about her memories of her father. Others who knew Titmuss and kindly gave me their recollections, either in person or by email, were Alan Deacon, the late David Donnison, Frank Field, Howard Glennerster, Jose Harris, the late Walter Holland, Maggie May, David Piachaud, Bob Pinker, Adrian Sinfield, and Pat Thane. Sonia Exley of the Department of Social Policy at the LSE allowed me early access to the interviews she had undertaken with former department members. Lise Butler, City University, generously sent me a copy of her DPhil thesis on Michael Young.

      Papers given at the University of Warwick, the University of Oxford, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the University of Durham, the Royal Dublin Society, the Institute of Historical Research, the University of East Anglia, the London School of Economics, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Strathclyde, and the University of Birmingham gave me the opportunity to try out ideas, and I am grateful for the feedback I received.

      A work of this sort would not be possible without the assistance of library and archive staff and here I should mention in particular colleagues at the Archives Reading Room, British Library of Political and Economic Science; the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick; Archives and Special Collections, Oxford Brookes University; and Labour Party Archives, Salford. At the LSE/BLPES Sue Donnelly and Anna Towson were helpful from the outset, important not least given the amount of time I spent there. The administrative staff at the Department of Health Policy were always supportive and reliable. Our family friend, Sue Sidgwick, provided me with a base in London from which to make my forays into papers held at the BLPES.

      Since starting this project I have had numerous conversations with colleagues and friends about Richard Titmuss, and would like to acknowledge the support, encouragement, and

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