No Gathering In of this Incense. Mark Rhoads

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No Gathering In of this Incense - Mark Rhoads

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silence except for

      the tiny change of pressure

      as flakes pass my ear

      or the slight sizzle as they touch

      down on my head and shoulder

      or the more distant sound

      as subtle as dust accumulating

      on the mantle piece

      of snow gathering on limb and leaf

      and even my steps are muted

      by the years that have passed

      and muted also is the reason

      I am walking here

      but the memory ephemeral

      as the fragile snow feathery

      as the tamarack leaf peculiar

      in its persistence

      flickers and fades

      flickers and fades

      then passes as an old photo

      passes in an album

      I Would Step into the Wooden Boat

      I would step into the wooden boat

      pull up the near shore of the Pend Oreille

      along the marshes with the white stumps

      of trees that once stood on drier ground

      but had succumbed to the water’s inundation

      now perches for water birds and crows

      resting from flight or warily watching my alien work

      and if not on the river hike high up the hill

      overlooking the big bend where the river turns east

      to a side hill clearing logged of its fir

      where a large rock clings suggesting a place to sit

      and look down the valley

      almost to the old Diamond Match mill at Cusick

      and brood in the style of a 19th century novel

      forgetting the trivialities of model airplanes

      or my collection of stamps deliberations

      I set aside for the pew and the pastor’s sermon

      My Father’s War


      The humming birds came to his feeder

      regularly enough that he knew each one

      by sight he didn’t name them but recognized

      their coloring and habits of interaction

      and he looked for them to return each day

      to the yellow plastic flowers and the holes

      where they poked their little beaks

      for a sip of red sugar nectar

      and when they didn’t return

      and it was clear that they would never return

      he would go sit in an old folding chair

      under the apricot tree remember

      standing near the tower looking east

      counting his big silver birds as they returned

      noting the numbers on their tall tails

      and their peculiar markings


      I see him mopping up the blood

      of an 18-year-old gunner

      pooled up against the fuselage ribs

      under the wooden floorboards

      some of it still frozen in fingered patterns

      ice crystals visible on the dark surface

      his own blood retreating from his skin

      until he is the cabin deep in the woods

      doors and windows frozen shut

      only a thin curl of smoke in the chimney

      and in some interior room sits an old man

      hunched over a small stove

      warming his cold hands


      He laid his ear

      against the cool skin

      of the fuselage

      reaching blind

      into a handful of wire

      cut up

      by a 20 mm shell

      from a 109

      he heard it

      like he’d heard it


      the rumble

      of the big

      Wright Cyclone engines

      the whine

      of the 109

      piercing the formation


      pounding tracers

      leading to the target

      a shell parting

      the thin aluminum


      in the soft tissue

      of the left waist gunner

      ripping out

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