No Gathering In of this Incense. Mark Rhoads

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No Gathering In of this Incense - Mark Rhoads

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      the heart that fueled

      his boyish smile

      the rattle of bone


      against the metal

      near his ear


      My father and I climbed the long stairway together

      but in his mind we were ascending

      a path tangled with vines and giant leaves

      all dripping in a sticky stifling mist

      heady with the odor of rotting wood

      and the calls of strange birds

      and as he reached the summit

      a familiar smoke appeared putrid

      with burnt flesh and punctuated

      with the cries of the wounded

      I was slightly behind and to his left

      climbing the long stairway

      into the gallery of Reynolds Store for Men

      to sit at Mr. Reynolds’ big oak desk

      where I would sign for my wallet-sized

      official U.S. government ticket

      to manhood

      Lady Slipper

      Crossing State Hwy 20 that follows

      the spring flow of the Pend Oreille

      we hike an old logging road

      past the rotting log cabin and up the hill

      take in the damp May woods

      I had often explored

      I wanted to show my mother

      a lady slipper

      I had stumbled upon

      the day before blooming

      under a stand of young fir

      bearing right where the road splits

      and walking maybe another 25 yards

      we veer off under the gray-green canopy

      shift between the trunks

      to stand over a single pink flower

      framed by a single ovate leaf

      persevering in a molding mat of rusty duff

      my mother kneels

      I kneel beside her


      In June we began filling the woodshed

      with fir taken from the forest

      that surrounded us,

      chunked, carried

      to the pile outside the shed

      where Dad

      spent days splitting rounds

      with the big double-edged axe

      he’d bought in Newport.

      This was his wordless duty:

      the hefting of the blade,

      the swing over his head,

      left hand sliding down

      to join his right

      at the end of the handle,

      arms extended, the blade

      gaining speed,

      driving through the wood,

      throwing the sundered pieces

      into piles on either side,

      the blade sticking

      in the chopping block;

      his mind working

      out the details

      of some plan

      to repair the old Ford truck

      or build a roost

      for the chickens;

      each fracture

      underscoring some figure,

      crossing out another,

      throwing a circle around

      a great idea.

      I worked quietly

      alongside him, loaded up

      arms full of pine slabs,

      took them into the shed

      and stacked them

      floor to ceiling,

      ten rows deep.

      My Mother Burned My Father’s Letters From the War

      the smoke rising

      from the burn barrel


      mixed with the smoke

      of butter wrappers

      and banana peels

      the censored words

      interstitial meanings


      so that no priestly gathering in

      of this incense

      will bring them back

      for this smoke

      ascends to the gods


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