A Theology of Race and Place. Andrew Thomas Draper

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A Theology of Race and Place - Andrew Thomas Draper

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and thank my wife, Leslie Eleanor, whose pursuit of the truth and whose commitment to justice have discipled and guided me. I respect her more than words can say and I am so thankful for her love in our shared journey. My two sons, Aidan and Alister, are supportive beyond their years as our family seeks to follow the Way together. The path is often circuitous and I am so thankful that we do not walk it alone.


      The Racial Imaginary at Work

      This case received international media attention and the judgment sparked intense debates in American society surrounding the intersection of race, violence, gun laws, profiling, and the criminal justice system. It served to make visible a slew of killings of unarmed black males, many by police. Names such as Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray became part of the growing list of the deceased. These killings were often accompanied by a lack of indictment or prosecution of the officers responsible. Riots in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 and in Baltimore, Maryland in 2015 hearkened back to the civil unrest after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. In a supposedly “post-racial” twenty-first-century society, strongly-held and often unstated assumptions about race boiled just beneath the surface of American public discourse. Many citizens and activists saw in the Trayvon Martin case a clear-cut example of a white man profiling an unarmed black youth. Resistance to this view was swift, most often pointing to “black-on-black” crimes or cases in which a white person had been the victim of violence at the hands of an African American person. Four and a half years after the inauguration of the first African American president of the United States of America, the public discourse of the nation was embroiled in tense disputes about the role of race in societal relations and commutative justice. Paradoxically, the election of Barack Obama served to strengthen the resolve of those who contended that there was no longer any such thing as a “race problem” in the United States. Such voices presented the media coverage surrounding Martin’s shooting as a ploy to stoke the flames of racial discord anew or to covertly advance anti-gun or other “liberal” agendas.

      During the days of Zimmerman’s trial, my wife Leslie, in her position as School Leader of an urban public charter school, attended a civil rights learning expedition in Little Rock, Arkansas, and was privileged to interview Ms. Thelma Mothershed-Wair in her home. Ms. Mothershed-Wair was one of the leaders of the Little Rock Nine, the group of African American students who in 1957 integrated Central High School in the face of intense persecution by community residents, students, faculty, administration, and government officials. The entrance of the Little Rock Nine to the school was aided by armed protection from the National Guard under mandate from the federal government. As Leslie entered the home of Ms. Mothershed-Wair, she was greeted by a man who subsequently excused himself in order to continue watching “the Trayvon Martin case” in the next room. While Martin’s death and Zimmerman’s trial were not discussed during the interview, Leslie could not but recognize the parallels for this man between his care for Ms. Mothershed-Wair, who as a teenager had been subjected to violence because of her ethnicity, and his interest in the proceedings surrounding the violence committed against Trayvon. When reflecting on this parallel in her portion of the report about the civil rights expedition, my wife was encouraged by several of the “progressive” staff who had planned the expedition to refrain from referring to the Martin case. While their primary concern was that Leslie not form connections not made explicit by Ms. Mothershed-Wair, the staff leaders did not seem to want to draw attention to the contemporary political ramifications of an interview with a member of the Little Rock Nine being conducted with the sounds of the Trayvon Martin case playing in the background. While both staff leaders preferred that she remove the reference altogether, the African American staff person “did not disagree” that the two events may be related while the Caucasian staff person did not seem to recognize the correlation. Leslie persevered in including the reference but was obligated to leave it as an observation about the interview’s setting and to draw no conclusions about its significance.

      Being mentored by a prominent African American Bishop in our community and pastoring a church which strives to be representative of the diversity of our community at every level of leadership brings abundant opportunities for correction, redirection, and affirmation. As I write this, I am reflecting on being confronted recently by a fellow leader in regard to a set of assumptions that I had unwittingly displayed through my comments at a board meeting. While at times it would undoubtedly be more comfortable to not place oneself in a position of displaying one’s own ignorance and prejudice, a continual journey of repentance and growth entails having sisters and brothers who participate in one’s salvation.

      The resistance my wife faced to drawing seemingly obvious parallels between Martin’s death and

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