A Theology of Race and Place. Andrew Thomas Draper

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A Theology of Race and Place - Andrew Thomas Draper

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only years after the unpopularity of standing in the place of resistance has faded. It also served to call me to the necessity of utilizing my platform as pastor, scholar, community leader, and activist to speak clearly about the reality of a society founded upon the subjugation of non-white bodies and the underlying racial calculus that determines the seeming disposability of the life of a young person of color. The immediate and strong reaction against my careful public comments, particularly from people of faith, was a bit surprising to me. While this reaction did not come from members of the faith community which I pastor or from people who have invited me into ecclesial and relational structures not my own, and while I had expected that my statements would not meet with universal approval, the strong resistance to what seemed to be straightforward conclusions about our society’s racial sight and its embodiment in the justification of violence was quite perplexing.

      I was told that to talk about race as playing a substantial role in ethical discourse serves to stoke the flames of racial division and strife, turning back all the “progress” we have made as a society. How was I to interpret these critiques from “good” people about a society that has presumably “gotten over” ethnic division? Were it not for my experience of the racial calculus that operates reflexively within contemporary theological and ecclesial formation, I might have more seriously questioned my assumptions about the death of a black youth and the acquittal of his killer.

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