Marijuana Smoker's Guidebook. Matt Mernagh

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Marijuana Smoker's Guidebook - Matt Mernagh

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      Besides being pretty, stellar nugs have a noticeable stink. Some will have a more noticeable stench than others, but all should have a smell. When busted, each particular marijuana strain’s unique aroma will become very noticeable. I’ve had some strains that, after getting busted, released a smell that made my mouth water.

      How To Tell Quickly If Your Dealer Is Selling Great Ganja Or Bunk Bud

      Don’t buy your bud on a street corner. Instead, develop a trusted nug network. Develop a reputation for having dank nugs and you will soon discover that your access to amazing strains increases. Potheads who have great ganja like sticking together because it makes the session that much more stoney.

      Regardless of all the other arguments, marijuana should be legal simply because phoning half a dozen people on a Friday night seeking some pot to get stoned with is just wrong. How many calls of, “You got any trees?” do you have to make before marijuana legalization just makes sense? Plenty of people have a regular hook up, but even that person might not truly be worthy of their business.

      Did your weed come pre-packaged or in small dime bags? Then it’s bunk for sure. Avoid the dealer who has everything pre-arranged and packaged. A reputable seller will weigh out their wares on a scale in front of you and be very proud of their product. Many will be very boastful of their buds. Stick to your regular hook up when buying large amounts, and when purchasing from someone new, buy less to test their product and reputation.

      Just because your guy says he’s stocking “the Kush” doesn’t mean it really is “the Kush”. Stay cautious of the person who says they have super bomb strain x-y-z, but why not give them the benefit of the doubt, especially if it’s awesome pot and matches up with this guide?

      How To Tell If Your Marijuana Has Mold

      Contrary to popular fear mongering, mold will not kill you, but still, you should never consume cannabis that you know is moldy. For prohibitionists, mold is the new blob; a magical and deadly monster that no one can see or knows much about, but which can kill unsuspecting teens. However, in reality, mold is just a problem created by moisture lock.

      When moist marijuana is packed in airtight containers the conditions to create mold are perfect. Most growers cure their cannabis correctly, but when they don’t, consumers get moldy products.

      Be on the lookout for a white stringy substance that clings to buds around the stems. If you spot something that doesn’t look like marijuana plant matter then it probably isn’t. Bust open the suspected area and more white gunk should be apparent. Some mold appears as black spots on your buds, but I’ve found the most common to be a white mildew-like substance that clearly is not cannabis. Discard any affected plant matter immediately and be thankful that shit isn’t in your lungs.

      How To Tell If Your Marijuana Has Been Sprayed For Taste Or Weight

      Some professional potheads are known to lightly lick their bud at the base of the stem to determine if it’s been sprayed to improve taste and weight. Some growers and dealers will spray sugary or salty solutions on to their bud to make it weigh more, and therefore make more money off it. Beware of this ganja garbage. It’s out there. When smoking tasty sprayed weed you’re going to notice an unreal or flavored rolling paper or blunt wrap-like taste–especially if you’re vaporizing. Experienced heads will know instantly that it’s not natural and it doesn’t take much for you to know either. Dealers spraying cannabis for taste and weight should be frog marched to city hall and put in stocks to be publicly ridiculed by potheads everywhere.

      How To Tell If You Have An Indica or Sativa Before You Smoke It

      If it looks like the Kush, it’s probably an indica. Determining if it’s an indica or a sativa before toking a strain is a huge cannabis challenge. Hybrids have made characteristics between indicas and sativas very blurred. It’s much easier to tell the difference between indica and sativa when they’re still growing because the characteristics are more pronounced in the living plant.

      However, most of the marijuana you’ll come across will be an indica-dominant hybrid that creates a sedate kind of stone. This is because most cultivators agree that indicas are easier to grow and are faster finishing. Generally speaking, indicas are fatter, denser and smell less exotic. Most indicas won’t stink up a room when the stash jar is open. Sativas are leaner looking and can be slightly wispy but will stink up a room real good when grown correctly. Remember that because hybrids have become so commonplace, the best way to tell is to sample the weed.

      How To Moderate Your Cannabis Consumption

      Good luck with that. When you have fantastic cannabis, moderating how much you’re toking can be a challenge. However, staff at a BYOB (bring your own bud) lounge called Vapor Central sometimes do have to clean up puke after tokers have over indulged. Generally speaking, alcohol plays a role, but not always. Sometimes–and it is very rare, thankfully–people do get so stoned that they vomit.

      New potheads especially can easily get overwhelmed on weed, but that’s part of the fun. Remember that you’re not going to die. It’s best to take deep breaths, drink some juice and make yourself comfortable because your setting plays an important role in the experience. Stoners have been known to leave Vapor Central much more ripped than they thought after getting up from a couch and going outside because their setting has changed. Take things easy and slow, and don’t run for the hills!

      Take the time to enjoy your cannabis. Inhale some then kick back and wait for the effects before going further. On nights when you’re going full bud bore, put out a variety of munchies in advance to keep yourself well fed. Try to avoid just the junk food, too.

      Experienced folks should never put new tokers one toke over the line intentionally as that’s just bad form–we are classy cannabis lovers over here, after all. It’s not a reefer race nor is inhaling the most marijuana some kind of cannabis contest. Our foremost goal is to derive the maximum enjoyment and benefits from our ganja.

      How To Tell If You’ve Got Indoor Or Outdoor Grown Grass

      In my experience, I have seen that indoor trichomes are fatter and more plump, whereas outdoor weed is more hairy and rough looking. Outdoor cannabis has a rougher appearance than indoor cannabis because it’s been subject to harsher conditions. I’ve been accused of babying my marijuana plants in my indoor grow room because I once adjusted a fan speed after a friend decided it was “a little too low.” Who does that? Come on!

      How To Tell If You Have Organically Or Chemically Fed Marijuana

      Unless you grow it yourself or know the grower personally, finding organic marijuana can be a real cannabis challenge. Some medical marijuana centers offer organically grown grass, but few do. Even Amsterdam coffeeshops don’t have much in the way of bio cannabis. Most cannabis will be fed some kind of chemical nutrient and then

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