Marijuana Smoker's Guidebook. Matt Mernagh

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Marijuana Smoker's Guidebook - Matt Mernagh

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Growing organically has become much easier, but I doubt commercial growers are going to change their methods from using chemical plant foods. Regardless, it’s all in how the cannabis has been flushed. Poorly flushed organic marijuana is going to produce results that are just as bad. Your marijuana should leave behind a nice white ash in your bowl or ashtray if it’s free from the nasty shit.

      How To Tell How Potent Your Cannabis Is

      Smoke it, duh! On first inspection you might have potent pot if it is sticky with resin, packed with glittering trichomes and dusted with cannabis crystals. Stinky cannabis can also be a sign that you’re about to get higher than the proverbial kite. However, even the most beautiful buds can be a huge disappointment when you smoke them. Some strains given advance hype never live up to their reputation for potency. Use the wise weed words of others, but don’t just rely on the name of the nug to determine its potency.

      Advice For My Medical Marijuana Friends

      Accessing a variety of affordable strains is exceedingly important when medicating with marijuana. To receive the most benefit from med buds, patients need to know what they’re medicating with. Various strains provide different effects and some may provide better relief than others, but other than strong anecdotal evidence we don’t know much about how certain strains affect various ailments. Contrary to what some people may pitch to medical patients, every cannabis strain affects people differently and you need to experiment in order to determine what kind of pot is best for alleviating your symptoms.

      I’m wary of recommending one strain over another because the ultimate benefactor is the breeder and what works for me might not work for you. There’s an honest statement! Medical marijuana center staff can, of course, direct their patients to specific strains based on the reports of patients with similar afflictions. However, I’m not sure if this really extends beyond their own medical marijuana menu. Given the subtle nuances of growing cannabis, patients need to learn to recognize not only the strains that help their condition but also the growers and production methods that produce the cannabis that they prefer. Knowledge is power.

      White strains work for my fibromyalgia because they provide pain relief without making me sleepy. I’m not sure if there’s something extra special in these strains or if I get a really pleasant placebo effect. Either way, it doesn’t really matter because ultimately I’m getting the symptom relief that I need.

      The goal of medical marijuana patients is symptom relief and we don’t really require anything more than anecdotal evidence for our own personal medical marijuana discoveries. My guide mentions many strains that are effective for pain relief and I hope that it can work for many as a starting point on their journey towards being a ganja guru capable of identifying and enjoying great marijuana.


      Hash Mob Honor Roll

      Christina Moorshead, Erin & Chris Goodwin, Mann, Mark Klokeid, Matt Oliver, Sean Brady, Paul Lewin (and The 22 witnesses in R v. Mernagh), Sita Windheim, Tracy Curley, Adam Glover, Daniel Boughen, Martin Legabbe, Heather Parry, Dave Unrau, Eric Compton, Adam Greenblatt, Dana Larsen, Jeremiah Vandermeer, Michael Mage, Steve “Wanna A Dab Matt?” Hunter, Sarah Sunday, Jillian Hollander, The Weedy Guy, Amy Anonymous, Bud Cannibus, Compton, Potato Pipe, Jack Draack, Yoda, Montreal Martin, Opus420, and The Potheads Who Don’t Smoke Schwag, Head Shop Canada, iMedikate, Toronto Compassion Centre, Cannabis As Living Medicine, Rainbow Medicinal Cannabis, Green Harvest, Pixel Dreams, The Jim Richards Show (and Britt), Cannabis Culture and of course Vapor Central.

      Along with Skunk #1 and Northern Lights, Acapulco Gold was one of the first consistently popular marijuana strains. You can still find these strains, but they’re no longer imported like they were “back in the day.” Seasoned tokers who experienced Acapulco Gold in their youth may tear up or experience an emotional flashback when toking these nugs. During the ‘70s Acapulco Gold was imported from Mexico, but my sample of this zippy soaring sativa arrived from growers in Canada’s prairie province, Saskatchewan. The alert, active high is well balanced with a wonderful body relaxation experience. However, too much of a sativa strain like Acapulco Gold can make some people paranoid. The high of this strain is a slow ride upwards, which makes it a great social stone and because it’s not a fast acting sativa it won’t cause too much jitteriness after a session. After blazing a joint or doing a bong rip, you might want to get stuff done around your home or go outside and enjoy the day. You can for sure count on not sitting around or even sitting still.

      Some enthusiasts avoid poorly branded strains such as Acid on pothead principal. I’m not sure why it’s labeled after an hallucinogen, but some people dislike Acid for the same reasons that they dislike Green Crack. Paradise Seeds’ Acid doesn’t have much of a trippy effect or aroma, but it does have an explosive scorching taste. A fuel-like flavor from the Diesel parentage rolls over your taste buds something fierce. It’s not as fuel-tinged as ChemDawg or NYC Diesel, but Acid does have a powerful bite. The chunky buds are light green with pinkish trichomes and produce a rich, dense vapor or smoke. You should anticipate an uplifting happy high. People suffering from depression will love its positive vibe, as Acid is truly mood enhancing marijuana that will put a perma-grin on your face for a considerable length of time. Just sit back and smile.

      These gooey buds are bursting with robust earth tones. Afghani nugs will be loaded down with heavenly smooth flavors, but will cause a cough ranging somewhere from a lung tickle to a harsh hack. Afghani is an exceedingly sticky strain that creates especially messy joints. Resin dripped out of my joint and ran into the palm of my hand; a small river of orange goo. Obviously, due to this, Afghani is an ideal hash maker. Recreational and medical smokers will really love its powerful narcotic effect, as it has an incredible amount of pain relieving properties that brought my pain levels down dramatically. However, it did leave me cloudy-headed or, if you like, stoned to the bone. Afghani is best before bed or on days when the pain is off the charts and you have nothing else to do but kick back and be gunned on ganja all day. The resinous, hashish-flavored Afghani buds create a powerful full body stone that plants you deep into the earth. You’re going to put roots down in your session space. I know I did.

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