Judges. Abraham Kuruvilla

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Judges - Abraham Kuruvilla

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imitate Joshua’s takeover of Jericho with the help of a native Canaanite (Joshua 2; see below for a comparison of the two events). However, the differences are significant (shaded below): in the earlier account Rahab took the initiative to ask for ds,x,, with a proclamation that was Yahwistic through and through, acknowledging his preeminence and his great deeds (Josh 2:9–13)—she had converted!101 So much so, after a divinely accomplished victory over Jericho, Rahab and her family were noted to be residents of Israel thenceforth: “to this day” (6:25).102 In the present case, there is no indication that the informant made any Rahab-like alliance with the Israelites, or with Yahweh. And the man’s final action of rebuilding Luz (which also stands “to this day,” Jdg 1:26), becomes a scandalous symbol of the unwise covenanting of the house of Joseph with a foreigner. It was as if the hostilities and capture of Bethel by the Israelites had never taken place—the city had merely been transferred from one site to another—“the spirit of Luz lived on.”103


      A slavish imitation of a past strategy of success, without comprehension of that event’s critical elements, is futile. What was necessary here was an understanding of God’s work, his power, and his strategy for success—and a cooperation with that work, that power, and that strategy.

1Faithfulness to God manifest in uncompromising godliness and reliance on God brings blessing (1:1—2:5).

      Of the three narrative “interpolations” in this pericope—1:5–7 (featuring Adoni-bezek); 1:12–15 (featuring Achsah); and 1:23–26 (featuring the house of Joseph and Bethel)—it might be best to bypass the Achsah story with a brief mention, in the interests of time: the contrast is with the mistreatment of women in the Epilogues, and that, I believe, is the primary function of the cameo here.

      Thrust of the book of Judges: leadership

      God’s people: only as good as God’s leaders

      All of God’s people are leaders in some fashion, to some degree

      Structure of book: Prologues I and II; Body; Epilogues I and II

      Leadership change in Israel; silence of Yahweh (1:1)

      II. Failures

      Judah’s inclusion of Simeon (1:3)

      Iron chariots and Benjamin (1:19–21); yet Caleb’s success (1:20)

      Joseph’s abortive effort (1:22–26)


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