Judges. Abraham Kuruvilla

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Judges - Abraham Kuruvilla

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Our failures

      III. Consequences

      Worsening of situation with Canaanites (1:3–21, 21–30, 31–33, 34–36)

      Indictment by God (2:1–3)

      Move-to-relevance: Consequences for the church and the Christian

      How we lose divine blessings today with an ungodly lifestyle

      I. PROBLEM: Loss of Blessing

      Worsening of situation with Canaanites (1:3–21, 21–30, 31–33, 34–36)

      Indictment by God (2:1–3)

      Move-to-relevance: Consequences for the church and the Christian

      Judah’s inclusion of Simeon (1:3)

      Iron chariots and Benjamin (1:19–21); yet Caleb’s success (1:20)

      Joseph’s abortive effort (1:22–26)

      Failure of the rest of the tribes (1:27–36)

      Move-to-relevance: Our failures

      III. APPLICATION: Live godly!

      How we lose divine blessings today with an ungodly lifestyle

      Start to live godly: repentance (weeping: 2:4–5)

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