The Kingship of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Sehyun Kim

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The Kingship of Jesus in the Gospel of John - Sehyun Kim

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to the Messianism of Samaritan traditions. According to Boismard, one of the backgrounds to John’s Gospel is the Samaritan tradition, in which two Messiahs are prophesied: “Son of David,” and “Son of Joseph.” “Joseph” in Samaritan tradition is the son of Jacob in Genesis, who was a savior of the Israelites.

      In addition, recently, some scholars have pursued a fuller understanding of Jesus in his religious, social, political, and economic context. David R. Kaylor attempts to delineate the political elements of Jesus’ ministry and teaching in his book entitled Jesus the Prophet. He intends to interpret the political dimensions of Jesus, not to reconstruct a political Jesus. An attempt to explore Jesus in a political context, which is closely connected with the religious one, in the Gospel of John has its usefulness, although the Gospel explains much more beyond the political dimension of Jesus. It is necessary, therefore, to have some understanding of the religious-political context to explore what the Fourth Gospel wants to reveal about Jesus.

      Jerome H. Neyrey in his book An Ideology of Revolt focuses on the cultural system or perception of the cosmos reflected in the christological statements of the Gospel of John. He focuses also on the conflict and competition with other colonized Jewish groups and within the Johannine community itself.

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