Disciplined Hope. Shannon Craigo-Snell

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Disciplined Hope - Shannon Craigo-Snell

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we act like God is our wish-granter, we diminish God and set ourselves up for disappointment. The second misstep to avoid is understanding how prayer works in such a way that the logic can be read backwards. For example, the statement that prayer can work miracles, without further nuance, can easily slide into the conclusion that someone who did not receive a miracle didn’t pray enough. That is the logic of charlatans. It is victim-blaming masked in religious language. It lies about God (making God our wish-granting servant) and about people (translating suffering into inadequacy). Both of these problems arise from giving our prayers too much power in shaping events.

      In this model, our prayers do not manipulate God, but rather are welcomed by God as collaborative input in how God’s unchanging goodness could shape a given situation. I find this persuasive. Whatever God is up to in relation to humanity, human freedom seems to be an important element. Because human freedom makes possible so much suffering—including all the ways we hurt ourselves and one another and the Earth—God must consider it quite valuable to include it in creation. Surely God would then take our freedom seriously in prayer. Put another way, if God respects our freedom enough to allow us to harm one another, wouldn’t God respect our freedom enough to accept friendly suggestions on how to help one another? Of course, we remain junior partners and trust God to disregard our short-sighted and wrong-headed ideas.

      But what of the apparent failures of prayer? Enslaved Africans and African-Americans prayed for liberation for generations before emancipation. Every day people pray for an end to abuse that does not come, healing that does not occur, and resources that do not appear. There are some times when the prayed-for outcome does occur, but there is no way to know that prayer was the cause. This kind of evidence does not bring clarity.

      In my own life, there have been times when I simply could not face or handle situations on my own strength and I have felt buoyed and upheld by the prayers of others. A close friend, Jill, lives with her husband and children in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Jill is a spiritual person with strong moral and ethical commitments who does not identify with or participate in a faith tradition. In the terrible days after the school shooting on December 14, 2012, when the entire town was reeling with horror, I had no idea how to offer comfort to my friend. I told her I was praying for her. Jill’s response surprised me, as she said that so many people were praying for the people of Newtown and the community could feel it. “It’s palpable,” she said. In ways I can neither demonstrate nor explain, the prayers of friends and strangers provided some small aid in the midst of madness.

      Many of us tend to think about how things “work” in simplistic ways. Focused as we are on the mid-range—on people and buildings and cars and trees—we think first of physical causality. A person swings a bat, which either does or does not hit the ball. If the bat does come into physical contact—smack!—the ball changes direction. This is the kind of cause and effect that seems most basic. And yet, we know that there is much more going on in our daily lives than the interaction of nearby physical objects.

      With a microscope, we can see millions of bacteria, microbes, cells, and atomic nuclei that are part of the ball field. With a telescope, we can see that the ball field itself is part of a solar system and a galaxy and an expanding universe of galaxies. With different kinds of tools, we could perceive that what appears to be the empty space between the players on the field has a lot going on: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ambient particles, chemicals, gravity, magnetic fields, radiation, radio waves and more. We only see one small segment of light, only hear one small segment of sound waves, and cannot detect much of our environment without assistance. The world is bigger, smaller, and much more complex than we can imagine. Given this, it isn’t naïve to think that intercessory prayer works even though we cannot pin down exactly how. Rather, it is arrogance to imagine that what we understand is all that is happening!

      I think of intercessory prayer in imagistic terms, quite aware that I don’t grasp it fully. God always wills and intends goodness for each and every one of us and for creation as a whole. There is enough freedom around (human freedom but also evolutionary freedom and perhaps plant and animal and other kinds of freedom that I don’t comprehend), and enough history, and enough complexity, that God’s will-for-goodness for us can encounter interference. Intercessory prayer attempts to clear the haze and overcome the interference, to make the way a bit clearer for the love of God that is always directed towards our flourishing.

      Praying Together

      So far, these reflections do not address the aspect of my prayer experiment that I found most surprising and sustaining, namely, the community that prayed together. The relationship analogies from McCord Adams—of partners and parents—tend towards a one-on-one interpretation. Even questions of the efficacy of intercessory prayer can keep the one who prays and the one prayed for as individuals quite separate from one another. In reality, while we are individuals, we are also profoundly interconnected with one another.

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