Disciplined Hope. Shannon Craigo-Snell

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Disciplined Hope - Shannon Craigo-Snell

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      Thurman notes that when someone who prays brings themselves into intentional relationship with God, they will naturally pray for their loved ones. If we allow ourselves to see how interconnected we are, this takes an even stronger tone. I cannot bring myself into intentional relationship with God without bringing the people I love. I cannot pray for myself without praying for my neighbor, because my neighbor’s well-being is intimately tied to my own. Omitting to pray about things that influence the community—including politics—would be refusing to bring my whole self to God. It would refuse to hope for God’s grace to touch our life together.

      Quite concretely, the shared public prayers served several functions. First, they helped form us in hope. Prayer, as a means of formation, instills habits of mind and emotion. The discipline of lifting up a person or group working for the common good broke the temptation to constant fear and anger. It was a daily dose of admiration, honor, celebration, and envisioning a better reality for all of us. Second, it offered perspective. It was easy to believe, in the early days after the 2016 election, that those of us who care for justice and compassion are few and far between. When people said “amen” to the prayers I posted, they let me know they were out there, and they saw other responses, and it encouraged us all. Likewise, acknowledging the people who were resisting helped place the outrageous events of the day in relation to ongoing work for justice that people have been engaged in for decades. It highlighted the geographical breadth and historical depth of justice struggles. Third, it created a space of (virtual) intimacy in which we could speak of things that are often not brought up in casual conversation. Because we prayed together, we were already conversing about big and personal issues, admitting needs and joys and worries. Fourth, praying together created a web of people, from various backgrounds and geographical locations, asking God to help us move the world a bit closer to the creativity, love, justice, and compassion that is, I believe, what God intends. I do not know what piece of advanced technology might be required to pick up on the “good vibes, juju, and mojo” that we sent out to the universe. But just because we can’t measure it does not mean it doesn’t matter.


      January 24, 2017

      Every day I will pray for those who resist. Today, I pray blessing and protection for the badass people at the Badlands.25

      January 25, 2017

      I pray this evening for water protectors

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