When Wright is Wrong. Phillip D. R. Griffiths

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When Wright is Wrong - Phillip D. R. Griffiths

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is presented to an audience whose culture generally considers novelty a good thing and tradition to be bad. A close examination of his theology in context reveals this portraits [sic] manifest deficiencies and palpable errors.63

      Wright puts his points across with a marked degree of rhetorical flourish that encourages the unwary and unsuspecting reader to accept what he says. Again, many find themselves agreeing with Wright because they have been swayed by his academic credentials. They assume that he must, because of these, have researched all there is to research, and that such a man’s approach is candor personified. Such a person, however, does not exist, not only in the field of theology but in any discipline. We also need to bear in mind that there is nothing new under the sun. So-called new theologies are usually, on closer examination, reworked versions of what has gone before. The Christian needs to realize that the truth of God’s word is revealed not to the clever or the wise but to the foolish and that God uses the foolish to confound the wisdom of the wise (1 Cor 1:18–24).

      If any should consider the NPP to be more of an annoyance, what might be called: a storm in a teacup” than a serious threat, they should bear in mind the words of Kim Seyoon:

      The new perspective tends to employ the same terminology as Reformed Protestantism, but changes the meaning. Many get caught out by this because they only hear what they believe to be orthodoxy.

      Wright and the Righteousness of God.

      In traditional Protestantism, the “righteousness of God” manifests itself in two ways. First, it denotes God’s righteous anger against sin, for example, as manifested in Romans 1-3. Secondly, it represents God’s faithfulness to the new covenant in that God himself has achieved through the work of his Son a righteousness for all who believe. What Wright considers to be the main motif, namely, God’s faithfulness to his covenant promises, the old perspective takes as a given and it is found in Christ’s fulfillment of the original covenant of works.

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