When Wright is Wrong. Phillip D. R. Griffiths

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When Wright is Wrong - Phillip D. R. Griffiths

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is the source of the believer’s justification, as Venema tells us, “the believer’s justification on the basis of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness is but a way of saying that the believer is justified by virtue of his or her judicial connection with the work of Christ. Imputation is a corollary of union with Christ, not an alternative to it.”20

      Good works within the old perspective are always the result of salvation and never the cause. The believer was once a slave to unrighteousness, “to impurity and lawlessness” (Rom 6:19), however, following his salvation in Christ, “having been raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God” (Col 2:12), he is now a slave to righteousness that leads to his sanctification (Rom 6:19). The believer now walks in Christ, “rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith” (Col 2:7).

      Concerning any future judgment, the believer will never be judged in regard to his justification. Justification is past-tense. It is something that is once and for all true for all those who are in Christ. Any future judgment will concern not the believer’s position, but certain prizes for those already saved. There will never be, as Wright believes, a future justification based on the believer’s post-salvation works.

      The New Perspective(s)

      Krister Stendahl

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