Ezekiel. John W. Hilber

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Ezekiel - John W. Hilber

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be (Ezek 2:3–4, 6; cf. Ezek 3:8–9).

      2:4 the Sovereign Lord says: Traditionally translated “Lord God,” this form of the divine name combines the proper name for Israel’s God, “Yahweh” (translated with lower case capitalization on “Lord”) and the general word in the Old Testament for “lord.” The latter term generally denotes a person of superior social rank, often as a term in respectful address (Gen 42:10; Num 11:28; 1 Sam 16:16; even within family, Gen 18:12; 31:35). It acknowledges authority (Gen 45:9), sometimes denoting ownership (1 Kgs 16:24). Hence, this divine name combines the proper name of Israel’s God, Yahweh, with a term emphasizing his sovereign authority to which all must submit.

      2:8 Do not rebel . . . open . . . and eat: In contrast to the rebellious nation, Ezekiel must willingly receive the message. The visionary experience of eating a scroll seems bizarre, yet the metaphor of consumption nicely describes what is involved when one responds receptively. His embracing it (metaphorically internalizing) was not merely a superficial acquiescence, rather he willingly acknowledged the rightness of God’s judgments. We might say, he “took it to heart” (cf. Ezek 3:10; Jer 15:16). This agreement is indicated by the description, “sweet as honey,” which compares to the psalmists’ delight in God’s words (Pss 19:10; 119:103).

      Normally, such language is sweet because it is gracious (Prov 16:24); however, the words of this message are “lament and mourning and woe” (filling both sides of the scroll). To describe such distressing content as “sweet” is paradoxical. It seems best to recognize the complexity of such an experience. On the one hand Ezekiel recognizes the validity of the message, in this case, the justice of God’s judgment; but at the same time he responds with dismay at the terrifying tragedy about to unfold. This is consistent with what was noted above with respect to the complex nature of Ezekiel’s call. He is reluctant but not resistant. He willingly submits yet not without misgivings. So at the end of the whole experience Ezekiel is left with bitter anger (see comments on Ezek 3:14–15). Obstinacy by people in the face of God is senseless and Ezekiel anguishes over their obstinacy.

      3:5–6 obscure speech and strange language: The comparison of Israel to foreign peoples whose language Ezekiel does not share is to underscore the stubborn nature of Ezekiel’s community. He would receive a better response from idolatrous foreigners with whom he has a language barrier than he will from his own people.

      Theological Bridge to Application

      The contrast between human inadequacy (“son of man”) and divine enablement (“the Spirit came into me”) underscores the important truth that God is sufficient to accomplish his agenda. Furthermore, human nature is naturally inclined to resist the message of truth; it is not just ancient Israel that is hard of heart. But Ezekiel’s title for God, “Sovereign Lord,” leaves no doubt who wins in any contest of wills.

      Focus of Application

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