Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto. Dai Manuel

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Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto - Dai Manuel

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      The Power Of Human Connection

      Human connection is an incredibly powerful motivator. In the past, our ancestors valued human touch and close interactions with one another. This need for empathetic touch remains important today. For example, studies have shown that babies in orphanages have higher mortality rates when they aren’t cuddled and socially stimulated. Speaking from personal experience, I know that the power of a hug from my kids, a caress from my wife, or even a congratulatory high-five or fist-pump from a friend or colleague puts a huge pep in my step and elevates my motivation.

      The seemingly simple action of physical human connection can lift a person from a place of self-doubt to a place of self-belief. I’ve seen this over and over again with my clients: a gentle pat on the back, helping someone up from the floor after a set of sit-ups—any small act of kindness involving a light touch is enough to make a connection, and BAM!, the other person lights up. Next thing you know, they pay it forward and use that energy to tackle their life with a newfound appreciation, passion, and understanding.

      To test this idea, try to recall a time in your life when you felt deflated or depressed. Take a bad day at work, or a time when you lost your temper with your child. Maybe your GPA has been brought down by that C on a final exam; or you gained an extra pound this week, even though you’re sure you followed your program perfectly. All of these scenarios suck! Yes, I said suck. It’s okay to say that—you can’t be positive all of the time. (Seriously, we’re only human.) Can you think of the difference it would

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